3 part staggered hatch, Wynette, Speckledhen, scbatz33 eggs new photos

Hey, Kathy! Sorry....was super busy all weekend, enjoying the GORGEOUS weather we had! We took full advantage and worked around the farm, sunup til sundown, all weekend. Sigh....I'm tired and sore!

All your babes look gorgeous!

Here's Jethro, my Blue Jersey, and two of his girls:


and Jethro alone:


Here is Duke (Copper Black Marans) and a few of his girls (I don't use the one to the far right for breeding...she's got too much copper coloring in her hackles):


And Duke alone:


Here's my Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock cockerel - I really need to get udated pics of him, as his whole back is now silver, as it should be. This strain of Rocks does seem to develop slowly. Both of the pics of the SPRs are from mid-summer; the pullets are now much more filled out. These are just GORGEOUS when they get all their feathing in and fill out!


And one of his girls:

Oh, Wynette, thanks for the pictures! You certainly DO have fabulous birds there! Makes me even more excited, watching these babies grow! Honestly, I swear, if I stand there long enough, they grow right before my very eyes! LOL

Really though, look at the little feathers they are getting, at less than a week old ... it amazes me! Such fun!

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