3 week old cuckoo marans-- it is Kenna, Bash, or still in the air?!


6 Years
Jun 10, 2013
Battle Ground, SW Washington
I was looking at a thread of 3 week old cuckoo marans (https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/778555/is-three-weeks-too-early-to-sex-cuckoo-marans) and I can't tell if Kenna(currently my marans' name) looks more like the boys or the girls. S/he's sort of in between?

If it's a girl, her name will still be Kenna, if it's a boy, Sebastian (Bash). Also, ya think that hatchery cuckoo marans roos are nicer than hatchery RIR roos? xD

Anyway, here are the pics

Her/his comb's a lot more prominent than my hatchery rir chick the same age as Kenna/Bash. And this chick's personality is a lot closer to Pepper's(my rir roo) when he was a baby.
So got a possible cockerel and a possible pullet.....

I dunno, I personally have this feeling it's a cockerel(mainly because of how immediately drawn I was to this chick which instantly became my favourite because it 'had more personality' or 'was more likeable' than the other two I bought), and it was the same with my roo when he was chick(course I thought it was a pullet when I bought my roo...)

Kenna's face is a little boyish, also in my opinion, if anyone can relate =P

What does make me think pullet is the patterning, how it's more splotchy than the boys in the link I posted in the first post, where the assumed boys had more of a pattern and more white. But she also has more white than it looks like the pullets in that link do. I dunnnooo.....

((Also, BantamLover21, I love the hen in your icon<3 she's super pretty)
My girl had a pretty large comb at four weeks and was red in the wattle area (worried the pants off of me). So I think you might have a girl. You should know for sure at 6-8 weeks
Yeah I keep going back and forth on whether Kenna to me looks like a pullet or not.... My wyandottes were pretty red in the wattle area too, but they're girls.

And yeah, in a few weeks I should know for sure what I've got
So I didn't bring my camera with me to take pics, but over the last few days, Kenna's comb has become a lot more prominent and there is pink at the base of it, and 'her' wattles are becoming more prominent and pinking up a bit, too, especially when compared to my RIR pullet who's the same age, who has a much smaller comb which is all yellow and no wattle development. I know they aren't the same breed, but they both have single combs.

But my RIR cockerel had noticeable comb and wattle development while my BO pullet had like, barely any(and she still has like 0 comb/wattles, along with my australorp) and the only pullet I have which grew her comb and wattle real fast was my ancona, a Mediterranean breed.

While the colour on Kenna isn't as light as I've seen it on other barred/cuckoo cockerels the same age, s/he's still got a bit of pattern to her/his feathers, and is not as dimly mottled/darkly coloured as pullets. Also, s/he's bigger than the others, but has been since I got this batch of three, so I figured s/he was just older.

So I'm expecting a cockerel honestly, and will be surprised(and not upset at all) if it's a pullet. I hope it's a pullet because I want cuckoo marans eggs, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

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