3 weeks old what breed are we??


14 Years
Sep 2, 2009
SW Florida
The babies are now 3 weeks old and going through some changes. We started with the 32 and are down to 26. I gave two away two died off the bat and we had a mis hap that killed two. BUT There is one chick I will post its picture first it is WAY behind all the rest, does this make it a different breed? It just seems so odd compaired to the rest. I have 9 that I am tring to figure out will do 4 here and 5 on a second post
Much appreciated!!! In this post I will do my feather legged chicks (3) and the slow chick lol!! All but the slow growing one DO have feathered legs but two of them are not heavily feathered legs.

Here is the slow to develop one it is the same size as most the rest just not feathered at all

I am going to say this is a Cochin????

This ones name is Ricky he was my retarted one. I figured give them all boy names for the ones I am not sure if roo or pullet cause chances are roo lol. He had the splayed legs and I used the bandaid thing a few times and he is fine now


This one also has slightly feathered legs just hard to see it has the least on its legs

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1. partridge, but not sure what ??cockerel??
2. golden laced cochin ?pullet?
3. light brahma or a columbian cochin pullet
4. buff brahma ? cockerel?
That is what I think they are some of the pullet or cockerel may not be right a little young...
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I was wondering if #1 could be an EE??? Just slow?

Possibly....what color are its feet? What does its comb look like? I can't tell from the current pic...

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