33 Rhode Island Red Eggs Ship THur. Ga


12 Years
Jan 3, 2008
Newnan, Georgia
Our Rhode Island Reds are laying VERY WELL !!! Have collected these the past 3 days. What a great way to start a flock at a reasonable price. These are production reds. I do not have a pic because we are getting a flood here in Ga. today. Can ship out in the morning send paypal to [email protected] Also I can do an order 2 times a week for the next 3 weeks. We are going on Vacation Spring Break so I cannot put any more nto incubator. I have hatched out 12 babies already today and 4 more zipping. Please send pm and DO NOT HIT THE BUY IT NOW BUTTON so it can run the entire lenghth of the ad . Thanks Livia
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