3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

Yes, it sure will help take the sting out. I look forward to the reward. (my last 5 eggs before this setting= zero chicks. This beats my all time GOOD hatch rate of one chick.)
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I'm not the only one pleased as punch to receive our eggies:


That would be my number one enabler (or am I the one enabling him?) -opening BCMs from cowgirl75446, packaged fantastically, and eggstras!!
I have 42 of Mahonri's eggs set yesterday at noon, and am going on a grocery store fertile egg search today! Humidity and temp remaining stable (yea!) and am only checking the remote temp monitor 3X a night!
Wow, gone for a day and there are tons of posts to read. This reality is so much better than the 'reality' on TeeVee.

Is it possible for me to amend my EGGS SET total? I think I originally said 20...but I'm setting 31 (my girls have been extra generous to me). I have to set my eggs an hour early because I'm not going to be home at noon.

Mine certainly act out if I keep 'em confined. Normally I get around 9-12 eggs a day. If I keep 'em confined, I'll get maybe 1. I didn't know they could hold their eggs like that....I swear it's to spite me.

Oh man that's terrible. I think it takes an hour or so for the eggs' internal temps to get up to the temp of the incubator. So maybe it wasn't turn on that long and they'll be okay.

Egg Adventures sounds like a good word to be added to the definitions section...if it's not already there.
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Egg Adventures sounds like a good word to be added to the definitions section...if it's not already there.

Paging Sumatra!

One hour and 7 minutes for the official east coast set time. That being said, you can certainly hatch along with us if you set before of after a bit.
I do love it. Hooray for small towns! How big is the town you live in?
I think it's the most beautiful place on earth here. It is tiny though, not even a stop light! No delivery dudes for me, that would sure be nice to actually get mail delivered to my house.
Good news is my eggs were in my sisters mailbox, just had to drive 1 1/2 hours to get them. Pretty winter drive!
BEST pack job ever on these eggs. I am very very impressed. Big good looking eggs too! I have hope for these eggs now. I just never know about shipped eggs though my experience has generally been positive. My most recent 2 shipments hatched at 50% of eggs set.

So clean the bator and tomorrow is the big day!

We have a bank and a few Mexican markets, bakeries and restaurants other than that, sounds similar. Who needs stoplights? Studies have shown they can increase the rate of accidents anyway.

Hooray eggs!
Mine certainly act out if I keep 'em confined. Normally I get around 9-12 eggs a day. If I keep 'em confined, I'll get maybe 1. I didn't know they could hold their eggs like that....I swear it's to spite me.

Oh man that's terrible. I think it takes an hour or so for the eggs' internal temps to get up to the temp of the incubator. So maybe it wasn't turn on that long and they'll be okay.

Egg Adventures sounds like a good word to be added to the definitions section...if it's not already there.

Yeah. I think "egg adventures" sums up the delightful/stressful/fun/maddening/smile and tear inducing miracle that is home incubation.

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