3rd Annual New Year's Day Hatch!!

I candled last night, saw movement so I was happy.
Oh my, I'm so sorry to read of so many incubating mishaps and the loss of Miss Daphne. Before I started this, I never thought incubating could be so fraught with peril, till I remembered the old adage of not counting your chickens before they're hatched, boy, does that have a new literal meaning now! On a lighter note my daughter and grandson were here yesterday and I took out an egg to candle to show them and my daughter exclaimed " I can see it moving!" and I had to laugh as I still can barely make out some veining let alone movement.

Jeffross, I only have 4 eggs of the 24 I bought. 2 (Ancona) seem to be doing OK and 2 marans that don't stink but that is all I can tell you about them! I can understand your reluctance to try shipped eggs again, but I think I'll give it at least one more try as it is the only way I have of getting certain breeds.
I'm still at 13 developing out of the 14 that I set

My first attempt ever!

The 14th had no development and was apparently infertile. My girls only recently started laying, so they were all pullet eggs, but full size. Except for two, none of my eggs were more than 36 hours old when they were set, one was minutes. The two exceptions were out of the refrigerator and were from the two days before I started collecting. Those two and two fresh ones were from my SQ campines, so I really have my fingers crossed.


sorry for your loss of Daphne.

my incubator is still doing well, has 20 eggs left (started with 24). Today I deep cleaned the brooder box. I have some friends who are ready to begin their chicken adventures so, it appears I have a good home for 12 of the chicks.
wondering if they will notice if one chick has less feathers around its neck?

Can't believe there are only 3 days to lockdown!!!! Since the eggs have lost more weight than I'd like, perhaps I should lock down a day early too.

I don't think I've ever seen so many incubation problems on a hatching thread before. Very sad.
laree, i am so sorry for your loss. i love your avi and was even showing a friend your blog today and we were talking about it.
i'm sorry also for those who have had struggles and losses through this hatch. i hatched with the chicks for christmas thread and know what you are all going through.

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