3rd Annual Northeastern "Sharkie" Chickenstock - NH - July 7, 2012!!! Come one...come all!!

Tractor is fine ...like to show and sell or what?
Hubby wants to know if he gets to use it....
Hubby said "heck ya!"

So yeah, show, sell, demo.....entertain all the BIG boys.

As he is always telling me "a happy boy is a dirty boy"...apparently it doesn't matter the age of the boy either!
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Oh! I would love a buff Brahma! It sounds like they all may be spoken for, and who knows what I can fit in my cages.
This place is going to be dangerous! Ha!
Almost 4:30, on my way soon!

(I'm the one with the zombie look. Hope this coffee kicks in soon!) :D
Crap a doodle doo! I should have looked at the weather forecast a little closer. We got the back of the truck packed last night with the easy up and chairs and such.....and now it is raining! Our chairs are all wet! Waaaaa

Hopefully they dry quickly!

See you folks in a few hours!!!
It went great! Minus a few rains spells but overall.. Wonderful with wonderful people! My lav Ameraucanas went to a wonderful home... We joked about how many times I could have sold them as people stopped and asked to buy them! Bucka wore a smile the whole time knowing she was the lucky lady who was taking them home! I'm taking home her metal monkey that my husband bought for me as a gift! HolyH went home with my tolbunts splits and I bought some of her fabulous cookie mixes! I gave away 4 rooster chicks which left me bird less on the trip home!! Hubbie was so proud of me... Not even a fertile egg made their way to my vehicle! This is a first for me!! Oh sold the bator and turner for my neighbor too... The food was fabulous!! OMG!!!! Thank you Charlie and Ross for cooking!! Whoever made the food I ate... Potato salad with bacon on it... Tomato basil mozz cheese....the chocolate mousse brownie things!!! Thank you. Amazing!! Some Photos to come!!!

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