3rd Annual Rocky Mountain Chickenstock May 3rd, 2014

Weeeeell I swore no feedstore chicks this year, I have made 3 trips to Cal ranch since they have gotten chicks, for the only purpose of getting feed and other things, and I have now gotten 11 chicks from them. I have NO self control. :smack I imagine Chickenstock will land me in the same plight :/

I refuse to go to cals this time a year, went a few weeks ago and came home with 4. Will send my other half for feed so I don't come home with more chicks

ROFL!!!!! Bahahaha you guys are funny!!!
I have managed not to bring any home yet, which is a miracle in itself.... But I have a bunch of eggs going in the bator & need the brooder space so there you go...
I will have to try that...lol and Lisa I would be the same way. I already know Chickenstock will be my downfall. Now I have music from Starwars running through my head and can hear Darth Vadar breathing through his mask. :)
Okay, I am seeing good development in all of my eggs... sooo....

I will have available at chickenstock: Wheaten Marans chicks, OE chicks, bantam EE chicks and bantam cochin chicks (they will be buff or white split to calico, so still project phase). The oldest of those chicks for the most part are presold now, so the available younger chicks most likely will be straight run... but will update as they grow and if I can start to tell a difference in how many pullets I have of each of them...


Chickenstock not only means spring, but also that summer is very close =)
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Ughhh, I just realized that a soccer tournament in Twin Falls my daughter is playing at is the same weekend.....
We are working on building a Serama line - i have a pair from a local breeder, looking to expand. Any making an appearance?

Yes, we are crazy - planning on making the drive again from Caldwell.

I will know by the end of this week if we will be able to be a chook taxi. I have a truck this year :)
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Any updates on this event? I want to advertise and there isn't much information on the webpage. It's crunch time! Gotta get the word out so people can plan.
Alright got a little bit of an update on what i'll be bringing up for chickenstock this year

*Silver lace Polish's
*buff Coachins
*Silver lace Wyandotte
*molted Houden
*frizzle, Brown and White

* Welsummer
*Silver spangle hamburg
*blue andalusian
* Asorted japanese Banti's
*possibly will have some Buff Orphingtons

Also may have a geese or two as well if anybody is wanting Geese.. i was given a few by a friend but not sure if i'll be keeping them they just hatched the other day.. not for sure on the breeds they are but one is going to be the big white one.. and another is going to look i think like the canadian geese but its not that breed.. so let me know

this is all so far, got another coop to go threw with babies to decide and got more in the baters... will post more later

UPDATED some more that i will be bringing..

Most the chickens i will be bringing are banties
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