4 day old chick's first encounter with a bug


Keeper of tiny dinos
Apr 17, 2019
My little brothwrs put a grass hopper in the new chick's brooder today. They were terrified of it and kept running from it for the lingest while. Then the smallest one, a old english bantam chick, got brave and went to investigate, only to flee half way across the brooder when it hopped. It's only then that the rest started to investigate the bug. Only to dip the exact same thing as the little bantam peepers.
Chicks are so silly! Mine were terrified of a piece of lettuce I gave them 😋
My chicks have been chasing gnats. Guess that's as close to "pick on someone your own size" as they get.
Aint that the truth. Just two nights ago, I had chick fall in the water and get soaked, then fall in food and get covered in it, only to have the younger chicks swarming it for the food all over it. I have never seen that poor little bantam so terrified of anything in all it's two weeks or so of life. Of course she spent the rest of that night seperated with her best friend to calm down and dry off.

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