4 day old with scissored beak


11 Years
Feb 19, 2008
I just noticed this last night. It is very slightly off. I did read the boards last night but most posted about really bad scissored beaks. Is there any chance it will stay minor or is it pretty much guaranteed to get much worse?

Do I need to start with the nail file? Would I file the bottom part that is protruding and then the top beak on the opposite side? I don't want to do it wrong and make it worse.

I never noticed mine until week 4. I look at old pics and I think I can see it changing slowly. I can only tell you from my experience. I have only had one so far. I pray no more.
sorry, I mean to welcome you to byc
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Thanks for the bump Roosters97.

Ozarkhen, I sit and watch them for hours. I might not have noticed right away otherwise. Did yours get really bad?

Thanks for the welcome. It's a great group.
i had a little bantam polish that her beak just kept getting worse. she survied for 3and half months. before it got to bad and she couldn't eat:(
Give it a few weeks first(!) and see what it does. I have a few chicks that will hatched out with very slightly scissored beaks, but then within the first week they'll correct.

If it doesn't correct, she'll be fine. It can be genetic(usually if it doesn't correct), so keep it in mind when breeding her, but she'll otherwise be healthy. If the beak stays or worsens, you can look at some corrective trimming. I've seen scissor beaks in older birds fixed this way over a course of several trimmings.

If it is not severe then it is not a big deal, just means she has an undesireable breeding trait and that she'll need to have it trimmed regularly so it doesn't bother her eating.

I tried an ointment called Penetran for a cross beak that I had. I started this late (chick was a couple of weeks old before I realized the problem), so maybe in your situation it will work better. It did seem to slow the severity in my case, however I lost my baby to an unrelated situation so I can't offer any more experience for you.

I found the Penetran at a local health food store, some regular stores will have it or you can order it online.
Thanks for the advice all.

Ozark, I did read your thread last night.

Wolf, I don't intend to breed her. I just worry it will get really bad and she won't be able to eat. I guess I'll just have to keep an eye on her and see what happens.

Gamebirds, that's what I worry about. I will keep an eye on her and cull her if it reaches that point.

ChicknGurl, I'll have to look for it. You put it on the beak? Do you know how often?
Well, shoot. It has gotten worse. :(It's still not too bad but there is a marked difference from 2 days ago. She is still eating and drinking fine. Tomorrow she will be one week old.

I am wrestling with culling her now before it gets really bad or waiting until she starts to have trouble, if she starts to have trouble.

I'll see if I can't get a picture to post. I'm pretty sure she is a Barred Holland.

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