4 week old Welsummer Pullet or Roo???


11 Years
12 Years
Jun 8, 2012
This is what she looked like back on the 8th of Jun:

This is what She/He looks like today:

I don't have a hatch date. but when I got it on the 8th, the lady said a week so so old.
Can anyone tell me if I have any chance that this little he/she is a pullet? HOPE SO!!!
That's quite the comb but at least it isn't red yet. The chest feathers look like they have some black? If so, roo. I don't see the distinct eye line and triangle on the head (pullets have those). What do the back feathers look like? My roos had splotches of black on their redder feathers and my pullet has dark barring on all the brown feathers. I hope it's a pullet for your sake! We bought three Wellies and two were cockerels! Ugh....

Hope I got the right angles. about 4 days ago the chest was almost feathered out and last these little black spots showed up...
I'm not an expert by any means but it looks like a she. The barring at the back of the neck is a good sign. If only I could get my laptop to come up, then I could send you a picture of both. Let me see what I can find. :)
thanks for the link. Found it helpful. However, my welsummer has a large tail that grew in fast! from the link, that is a sign of pullet. It feathered it quickly however, I don't have any others from the batch to compare it to so who knows! lol

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