4 weeks and whoa!!!


8 Years
May 2, 2011
Atlanta GA
At 4 weeks old, all 7 of my chickens are the same age, but two are half again bigger than the rest, 1 being a welsummer and the other being our only Silver Laced Wyandotte. All 7 get along fine except when I walk in with treats and then it's a vicious fight over the goodies. I posted pics of the welsummer and people confirmed she is definitely a she and the silver laced is definitely a she too. Just kinda funny how their so much bigger than the other 5.

Also...if a chick is skiddish at best of you at 4 weeks old, what's the chances they will be ok with you as an adult?
They go through a phase where they freak out over everything. Once they get close to point of lay, they settle down. (there's always the exception though)

And as for bickering over treats, they are still establishing who's boss, so that's normal.
I hope that the one Ameracauna settles down, she is so flighty it makes me think she's wild!

As for who is in charge, that's definitely the same bird as above. Go figure....

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