4mo. old Australorp hen off balance falling backwards


Jul 17, 2020

Long time lurker, first time post. Unfortunately my first post isn't a good one, but maybe someone will be able to help out one of our girls.

4 month old Australorp hen
Weight 3lb 6 oz.
She's the top hen in the flock of 7
Her sister got sick last week, really lethargic and just sat there, died that same night. - we cleaned out the hen house and sprayed with vinegar/water and replaced bedding last week. We are going to do it again today.
Eyes are still clear, no fogging
Vent is not pulsating and she's not shaking
She'll hold her poop all night until we remove her from the brooder box - everything looks normal
Feed is layers formula with added oyster shell mix.
Our chickens are free range all day in a 40' x 60' fenced yard, they enter their 4' x 4' x 5' coop at night. The coop has two roosts, one for the 3 large hens (all 4 months old) and another roost for the olive egger babies (2.5 months old)

We purchased the larger hens from a breeder at one week old, the four olive eggers were hatched here on site.

For the last three days she has not been able to keep her balance unless she gets herself leaning forward. Every time she goes to move, here tail drops and she rolls back on the back of her legs (nails come up) as if she has a large weight on her tail end. We immediately pulled her from the flock and set up an isolation area for her. Here's our current approach:

Crushed calcium tablet with a little water 2x a day by dropper to mouth
Epsom salt soak for 20 min 2x a day
Brooder box with heat lamp (around 80 degrees) at night in the garage - soft wood chips as bedding.
4' x 3' tractor pen during the day with a covered area for shade/privacy

She's eating, drinking, preening and doesn't appear to be lethargic or degrading in any way. Her right leg looks frozen when we pick her up, but then all of a sudden she'll move it again. She does begin to fall on her side at times before trying to move, but she quickly corrects herself to stand upright. I have some poly-vi-sol arriving today that I'll give her tonight.

Any assistance/advice you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated, we are still upset about the chicken passing away last week, now this is happening.


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There also seems to be some dandruff looking flakes coming off of her:


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I hate to say it, but it might be Marek's. You could try giving her some vitamin b complex, but my gut says Marek's. Is a vet an option?
I hate to say it, but it might be Marek's. You could try giving her some vitamin b complex, but my gut says Marek's. Is a vet an option?

Hi, we really appreciate the help! This is what we fear at this point. I have called a few vets today, but no luck finding anyone who will see a chicken. Is there much a vet can do if it's Marek's?

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