4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

I use dry nail brushes to dust off heavy dirt when needed for setting eggs. Works well, and doesnt weaken the shell.

i would set those duck eggs that are arriving today once they have warmed to room temp (assuming they arrive cool to the touch), i dont turn shipped eggs for 24 hours, then just turn as normal. ducks are very slow to hatch unlike quail and chickens. once they start pipping they can take 3 days to finish hatching. They also need to have good moisture loss during incubation to enlarge the aircell and prep for a good hatch. we run a very high hatch rate around here on our eggs. if you run into issues feel free to PM if I miss the question here. happy to answer as much as I can.
Any suggestions on cleaning eggs? Our chickens don't use their nest boxes, so the eggs are sometimes pretty dirty. I know I'm not supposed to wash them, I was thinking about a fine grade sandpaper?

There are a lot of debates on this issue, so I experimented. I incubated a batch of washed eggs and a batch of unwashed eggs. Both had a very high hatch rates, and it fact, the washed eggs was just a little bit higher. So I don't think it matters. I have even washed a broody hen's eggs before and reiceved a 100% hatch rate. I also have drity eggs, so I usually wash them. Run them under water that is WARMER than the eggs, this helps push stuff out. Don't soak them for any longer than 1 minute. Don't use soap or other chemical agents. Take a wash cloth and scrub them gently, don't push too hard otherwise you may push bacteria into the pores of the eggs but I have scrubbed hard in the past as well and the eggs still hatch. When I sell eggs on craigslist, I always wash them this way and I have had many esponses about how great the hatch rate was. One man said he had hatched 3 times before this with horrilbe hatch rates, but had 95% with my eggs. So I would wash them if I were you.
I'm getting very excited about the NYD hatch a long!

My turkey eggs are on their way, got my incubator all cleaned and sanitized and ready to go back to work.

I'm gonna assume that the humidity for turkey eggs is the same as chicken?
Turkey eggs need high humidity at the end. The shells need to soften so the poor things can get out. I found them very hard to hatch.
If you really want to know what hatching method is going to be best for you, do a test set of eggs and weigh them. If they are loosing the right amount of weight with the method you chose, your gold. If they are not, switch. Unfortunately this can be different with different types of eggs too. Silkie eggs can loose water faster then some others, I usually try and keep my bantam eggs different from the marans eggs.

What you want is a humidity that they loose whatever ever % of water weight is correct every day ( I do not remember for the life of me!) a few tests will tell you and then you should be able to adjust for the outside humidity as it changes. Its a bit of a pain, but worth it to get the information if you intend to hatch a lot.
Getting excited!! Duck eggs come in the mail at noon today!!! Question~ they are only being shipped about 30 miles in PA so can and should I set them right away, and its really warm outside as well???? I want them to hatch with everyone elses!!
And should I NOT turn them, or wait to check out aircells?

Thank you!! first timer on Duck eggs!! Ancona and I am not sure how many she is sending either, just a few though! So any suggestions to those who hatch ducks successfully??? Thank you tons!!

OH and where do I post how many I do set????
We will be posting that on the 11th after the Guess how many will hatch. That way we won't have to d a lot of editing.
It's almost 12:30 PM here...I set 20 duck eggs a second ago. I was browsing around BYC and happened to look down at the time and I was like OMGoodness it's almost 20 minutes past time to set the duck eggs! Ah! Anyway, they are warming up in one of the Sportsmans now. : )

All the ducklings will probably be mixed, but I'm sure they'll still be adorable, yes? ; ) What is everyone else setting?
Oh, and question....I was going to do two sets of chicken eggs. I have several dozen collected as of today, the oldest is 5 days old today. Should I go ahead and set those now, or should I keep collecting eggs until next Tuesday (11th)? Thoughts? : )


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