4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

Do you have two incubators?

Just thinking it would be easier if your going to have offset hatch days to have a lock down incubator.

I personally am adding in my chicken eggs on the 11th so I have the same hatching date.

I have 4 incubators....
I think I'll do the same and have the same lockdown for all the eggs, to make it easier on me. Thanks for the advice. : )
Since they are your own eggs there shouldn't be any problem with holding them for up to 2 weeks before setting. Some people even hold them longer than that with no problems.

Personally, I would wait until the 11th. Then they will all have the same hatch date. The oldest would be 12 days on the 11th, I don't consider eggs bad until 14 days. The 12 day old eggs may have slightly decreased hatchability, but it shouldn't be noticeable. Good Luck with what ever you decide!
I reckon I'll just wait and set them the 11th then. I should have quite a few eggies saved up by then.

~ Aspen
Did you guys know that if you type in your chicken breed in Google, some of your pictures can be in the spot where they show pictures. I was looking up Columbian d'Uccles and was looking at the pictures and saw my Marans/d'Uccle mixes on there, I was shocked because I don't know how they got there. Also I just found out, you can copy a picture of someone, and do a search on Google image and see if they are who they say they are. Call me crazy, but the internet knows all.
once I did a google search on tadpole98 (my user) and it came upwith all the images for my account (chick pics) and some of what I had viewed (more chick/chicken pics)
it also came up with some other peoples pics that had their username as tadpole98..
OMG I cannot keep up with all the chit chat on this thread. Are we also supposed to use this thread to confirm our set date/time etc with pics? I can't find pertinent info by weeding through this with all the extra comments :( When is the deadline to enter the contests?

I plugged in the Hova Bator I borrowed and it seems to work well, keeps a reasonably consistent temp. Can anyone tell me what temp it needs to be and what the humidity should be until those last few days? This one also has an automatic turner so looks like my work will be to watch! I'm trying to collect some of my own eggs, but how do I know if they are fertile? Not sure my old rooster is doing his job these days, but I do have a couple young roos I can put in with the hens in his place. Can someone show me a pic of what a fertilized egg looks like? I understand you can tell by the white spot on the yolk. Also can we candle at 6 days to see if they were fertile or duds and remove the duds?

I've never done this before (hatched my own nor joined the hatch-along) ... do we take a pic and submit at noon on the 11th? Then we just wait and announce what we got when they hatch or?? I gather we aren't supposed to give number before hand since that messes with some contests. Are we allowed to say breeds? What info do we have to give?

Also, how do I keep my eggs prior to setting? I read that they should be stored at 12-15 celcius, but I have no where that is that temp. Fridge is much colder, outside is colder yet, so I put them in a carton in my son's room which only gets to about 19 celcius. Will this be okay or will the start growing before they are supposed to?

Sorry for all the questions!
I have a question I joined the hatch along or I think I did it right . But I have serama and jumbo brown quail and my button even laid an egg today , my question is do I have to pick one to use for the hatch along or can I add each on there own day so they are all due the same day?. Thank you
OK, I'm in. I was going to sit this winter out, but that would be a big gap in my Iowa Blue project and my pullets are laying now. Besides I gotta see what my new boy will throw.

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