5 toed chicken


8 Years
Nov 2, 2014
Murfreesboro, TN
This chick is suppose to be an ameraurcana or EE pullett but it has the whole feathered feet and 5 toed thing going on.
Does this mean it must have favorelle in it and exclude it from being an ameraurcana/EE? (yellow feet as well) 2 weeks.
Still hope for it being a pullett?

According to niclandia, a male silkie over a white or yellow shanked hen will give sex linked offspring, females with dark legs/skin, males with light. That must be your cross.
Well EE are just fancy mixes, if one parent was a blue egg layer or possibly a green egg layer, and the other was a faverolle it could lay green eggs, so it could be an easter egger.
Wonder if it is a Favaucana, some of the commercial hatcheries are selling them, EEs can be pretty much any mix so could be put in that category.
Don't see anything that particularly says roo to me right now.
Where did it come from? Could be a fav/am mix, or just a Faverolles. Depending on the cross used, I'm not sure how often you'd come out with light skin with an Ameraucana in the mix.
I bought them from a fellow down the road, he seems to breed alot of birds. Bought 6 between 1-2 weeks old, a variety pack. He knew I had a preference for ameraucana's and EE and he told me what each was, I just might have misheard him/can't remembler.
1. Suppose to be blue ameraucana or EE pullett.

2 The possible flavaucana.

3. Maran pullett?

4. Can't remember what he said...lol.

5. Ameraucana or EE pullett

6. Ameraucana or EE pullett.

So, the ones that are supposedly either ameraucana or EE, I just can't recall what he said for which.
They're all healthy/robust chicks and he said he'd exchange any that went roo, so I'm happy about that.

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