5 week old EE..... Lillith or Larry??? (PICS working now!)


12 Years
Apr 25, 2007
Southern Maine
She's our favorite..... of course!!!... and we cannot keep any cockerels.

She did not start feathering in any slower than the other EEs; and faster than the Welsummers. BUT her comb is significantly wider than the other 2 EEs combs. Does this mean cockerel?

Her hackle feathers look very blunt/rounded at this juncture: when would they start to appear pointy?

Comb is still yellow, slightly orange... not much pink.

She is 5 weeks old.






Any guesses?????
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I'm not knowledgeable about EE's, but I wouldn't get alarmed just yet. Even though all my chickens are BO's, two developed their combs faster than others, and even as adults, some combs are more grand and red than others. And they all lay eggs, so I think I'm safe.

I'm sure there are variations with the realm of EE's too. I THINK the hackle feathers start out pointed if it's a boy, not just appearing after a first moult...
I have 2 EE's that are 5 weeks old also. They are supposed to be pullets. Both of their combs are beginning to turn pink. Much more so than yours.

I'm getting nervous about mine, too. I sure hope yours is a pullet. I guess we'll both know for certain soon.
Just from what I have seen on here, I think she is a girl! Just a guess though. Someone will post soon that knows a little more. I had on of 5 that got almost twice as big at first and had dif markings. She also acted bossy! We thought for sure she was a he! So we named him Chuck! vWell it is a chuckalene!

Spur bump or just an imperfection in the photo? That makes me nervous, the comb doesn't, though. If it were brighter pink or red, I would worry more.
pullets have the little bump also.. i have EEs. and yours looks like its 98% lillith... skiny legs.... no comb... no color on comb... screams girly.... well to me it does,,lol
I just responded to your post in my thread...she doesn't look anything at all like my EE that turned out to be a roo did at that age. His comb was thicker than that and very red by 5 weeks. He also had enormous thick legs and feet.

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