5 week old Orpington, Pullet or Cockerel?

That was old and i don't have to be professional words or grammars when im talking to morons its not like im in work or fishing an assignment please move on and worry about your own problems instead of going to old texts
Not to be rude but I personally don't see how you could be in vet school. You had a thread claiming a guinea chick was a chicken crossed with a peafowl.... You were also telling someone who had a chick with a feather stuck to it's head with poop, that it was because of pasty butt....
I'll try to get some tomorrow! It's harder getting pics of her now that she's out with the rest of the bunch but it's great seeing her thriving.
They grow so fast.
That was when i did not have the job of specializing in chicken i knew it was safe but when iwas off the job my vet also tutor safe but i knew that years ago just to make it seem its true i added phrase vet and that very old don't you have anything better to do than making assumptions when you don't have full evidence
Sorry, going to have to work on the grammar a bit. I'm not sure I understood any of that.
You had a thread claiming a guinea chick was a chicken crossed with a peafowl.

I was literally about to cross-reference the "PEaCokE mAtED CHimKeN" thread but it appears it's been deleted. What a shame...

That was old and i don't have to be professional words or grammars when im talking to morons its not like im in work or fishing an assignment please move on and worry about your own problems instead of going to old texts


uh it works on buff orpingtone trust me i raised buff and lavender orpington and wing sexing dose work see it dose not work on bantams or frizzled feather breeds but it sure works on orpington and standard breeds i have seen it many times and i can tell ur lying you know taht right because wing sexing works on orpingtons those are one of the standard breed u can wing sex dont lie please and im not gonna argue anymore thatt was old

Please crawl back under whatever bridge or rock that trolls prefer these days and stop seeking attention while also misleading people with false information. Oh, and a word of advice for what it's worth...Correct grammar and spelling goes an awfully long way in convincing someone you're telling the truth even when you're not. If you want people to believe the garbage you're spewing try that next time.

That's All.gif

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