5 week old Runner with a limp, sort of

I believe some of what you're seeing may be correlated with their age, and the fact that they're growing extremely fast. Just like a child, they can sometimes be a little funky on their feet. I would find it odd if the very slight inward angulation of her foot is associated with niacin problems as Runner ducks don't generally suffer from niacin problems. Adding nutritional yeast to her feed as you have should suffice if it is niacin related.
Thanks so much Isaac. I thought it could be that awkward stage with all the rapid growth as well but feel better with more experienced folks taking a look. I appreciate your help.
They sure are cute ducklings!
I'm no expert but you may want to pick up some vitamin B Complex (they sell it at Tractor Supply).
We've had issues with a few of our ducks around that age. They grow so fast it's hard for their little legs to keep up.
We've used it a few times and cleared up any walking issues.
- I should specify, we give it orally. On treats or in their drinking water.
Thanks, I very much enjoy them. :love Is the B complex you get at TSC specifically for ducks or what brand is it? I’ll have a look the next time I go.
Thanks so much Isaac. I thought it could be that awkward stage with all the rapid growth as well but feel better with more experienced folks taking a look. I appreciate your help.

Thanks, I very much enjoy them. :love Is the B complex you get at TSC specifically for ducks or what brand is it? I’ll have a look the next time I go.

This is the brand you're looking for :


It is intended for cattle but works great for birds. For their age, you would want to give no more than 1ml a day over treats, or orally.
This is the brand you're looking for :


It is intended for cattle but works great for birds. For their age, you would want to give no more than 1ml a day over treats, or orally.
Thank you! Is it necessary do you think? Or just good to supplement once in a while in general, or only if there are issues? I don’t give them treats every day and the only treats they’ve had are greens and a few peas. I do feed duck pellets not chick starter and have since they arrived.
Hi all. One of my Runners seems to have an issue. She sort of limps when she’s walking, and when she’s standing still that foot sort of turns in a tiny bit like she’s slightly pigeon toed. She has no trouble running though and swims just fine. I have examined her foot and leg and can’t find anything unusual. They have thick, soft bedding in their house and yard. This isn’t anything new, I noticed in quite a while ago and thought maybe she’d grow out of it once she was more coordinated.

I’ve been free feeding Purina duck pellets for all life stages since they arrived and have given them peas and/or greens every few days for the last couple weeks. No other treats. No scratch grains or anything.

My only experience with fowl is chickens, but I’m assuming I’d check for hot or cold spots, pain responses when I move the leg and foot, obviously broken bones, etc just like in a chicken right?

I’m not sure where to go with it next. I did purchase some nutritional yeast to put in some wet feed once in a while, would the B vitamins help?
Keep an eye on her and try not to worry too much. Never hurts to supplement niacin (B3) either. Today is the first day in a week that I didn't have at least one duck with a slight limp.
Two weeks ago, Pocahontas was actually laying down after taking seven steps, so she got some indoors time consisting of confinement to the 110 gallon brooding box (plastic water trough) and two swim sessions daily in the bathtub. Not the first time that I have done this for a duck that has trouble keeping up with the flock. Usually within a few days they have rested the leg enough to rejoin the flock. There quickly comes a time when the stress of separation becomes a bigger issue than the limp, so unless it's interfering with mobility, I just monitor it.
Thanks, I very much enjoy them. :love Is the B complex you get at TSC specifically for ducks or what brand is it? I’ll have a look the next time I go.
I use the same niacin that I take as a supplement for the ducks.
Regular, as opposed to the non flushing variety.
Humans manufacture niacin from tryptophan, meaning that B3 really isn't officially a vitamin for us. However, it's at a rate of about 500mg of tryptophan for 3mg of niacin, which isn't a very good trade. I'd rather save my tryptophan for making serotonin and melatonin, which is why I choose to supplement niacin.
Thank you! Is it necessary do you think? Or just good to supplement once in a while in general, or only if there are issues? I don’t give them treats every day and the only treats they’ve had are greens and a few peas. I do feed duck pellets not chick starter and have since they arrived.

In my experience, I would feel the nutritional yeast, and duck feed you're feeding is likely more than adequate, however, boosting the niacin content a little higher than normal every few days would be fine as well until they're close to full size. I very rarely have seen niacin problems in Runners; they are considered a light class breed and don't put on as much weight as other breeds, as long as they're being fed a feed formulated for ducks, they tend to grow just fine.
Mine are all adult Runners now and I still put Nutritional yeast over their feed at least once a week just because it's so good for them. When they are ducklings they get it everyday until 12 weeks [this is just me.] But I also have to feed chickens feed since I have a mixed flock. And they are all together. If one of mine comes up with a limp they get the liquid B complex Isaac mentioned.

Hope your little one recovers quickly.
Mine are all adult Runners now and I still put Nutritional yeast over their feed at least once a week just because it's so good for them. When they are ducklings they get it everyday until 12 weeks [this is just me.] But I also have to feed chickens feed since I have a mixed flock. And they are all together. If one of mine comes up with a limp they get the liquid B complex Isaac mentioned.

Hope your little one recovers quickly.
Thanks so much! I did mix some nutritional yeast with wet food today and some peas. Was figuring maybe I’ll do this once a week just for the boost. Right now I only have ducks, but will have chickens again in April so I’m planning to have it on hand all the time.

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