6+ Beautiful BUFF SILKIE Eggs! Next order to go out Monday 5-11 ~PA

You wouldn't have any just white eggs to send would you? You should see the Georges. They will be a year old in July and they are such sweeties. I can finally tell them apart but they both still answer to George. They are so round, they look like fuzzy footballs. If bragging about results from your eggs resulted in a discount, you would never make any money. I haven't heard of anyone ever being disappointed with what they received from you, I know I wasn't.

Oops- had to edit for spelling- it is Monday
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I should be able to collect up 6+ white over the weekend and ship monday. If you want them. Just let me know for sure and I will put you in my book. Paypal goes to:

[email protected]
I'd say $35.00 for the white because I dont know if I will have extras or not. JEN
Actually now all girls are going broody but the buffs. So Buff eggs are all I am offering at this time. I have edited out the info on the mixed batch of eggs because I dont have them to offer any longer. But the buff girls are still going strong. (for now)
Yes they are. Next set ships Monday! You can send paypal over and I will start collecting today! Thanks. JEN
I shoudl have another set to go out Monday.

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