6 eggs yesterday and 1 was Green


12 Years
Jul 18, 2007
Conroe, TX
Yippee! 13 hens and they are finally starting to earn their keep. Yesterday, was cloudy, rainy and over all a very dreary day at least until my husband brought 6 eggs in from the coop. The most that we had ever seen in one day was 3. That brightened my otherwise gloomy day. Usually, we get white, off-white and brown eggs from our girls.

Question - What type of chicken lays a Green egg? Any pictures?
Will you serve it with ham, Sam I am?
Green egg and ham - lol that's exactly what my hubby said whenever he showed it to me.

I looked on feathersite for an Easter Egger - all of the pics looked different to me. We do have one hen that is over 10 months old and as far as we know was not laying yet. Here are a couple of different views of "Big Neck" (my son named her)

What do you think - Easter Egger?
We got another one yesterday - so now we can have "Green Eggs and Ham" Sam I Am...

And I'm fairly certain it was Big Neck - she stayed near the coop most of the day.

Will Easter Eggers lay different colors eggs or will all of hers be Green?

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