Brown Egg layers laying green/olive eggs?



Jul 24, 2023
Southern Indiana
I have a mix of Lavender Orps (7) and Barred Rocks (6). They are now 25 weeks old and the 1st egg showed up the day before they were 18 weeks old. This past week we started seeing a green/olive egg almost every day now. I've googled but can't find any reason for either breed to lay this color. It's not biggie, they taste just as good. I'm just curious if there is a reason...and hopefully not one related to illness or malnutrition (which shouldn't be the case: layer feed since the day after I saw the first egg, oyster shell available all the time and 2 cups of scratch 1/day for the 13 of them.

*edit* meant to attach a pic


Either they got it wrong, or they sent you an extra chick that is a different kind.

I know some hatcheries will send one free chick, but I don't remember whether Hoovers does that.
No Hoovers does not send a extra chick. My guess is there was a mix up somewhere and the hatchery sent you the wrong breed.
It is also not possible for Lavender Orpington or Barred Rock hens to lay green/blue eggs. :)
If you post pics someone probably can identify which is laying the green egg
If I seen the chicken I probably would be able to tell. I have almost owned every breed of chicken! :rolleyes:
Huh, they all look normal
well, there is the one Rock that got her 'hair did' and has a poofy bit of feathers I thought were part of the 1st molt but months later she still has the 'do' and less of a comb than others. But, I also can't say that I've ever seen her nesting. She's also the most adventurous/sassy of the bunch and possibly the boss hen.

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