6 mo. still no eggs!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 12, 2011
My 8 girls 2 Ameraucanas, 2 Buff Orpingtons, a Plymouth Rock, 2 Golden laced Wyandottes and a silver laced Wyandotte are 6mo old and I still have no eggs!!! They have nest boxes and they go in them and "make nests" but all they do is poop!!! No eggs!!! What am I doing wrong?!?!?!?
Your not doing anything wrong. You should get eggs from the Wyandottes any time now, from what I've read here. I know that my Ameraucanas didn't start laying until they were almost 8 months old. I thought they would never start.
Nothing. I have 5 girls that are 6 months that haven't laid yet. Just not ready. Short daylight might be slowing the eggs? Maybe add some artificial light?
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Well, if they free range they could be hiding them. The day light might have something to do with it as well. What you could do is put a golf ball or any ball or egg shape that size in the nest box. That sort of jump starts them and gives them an idea what is suppose to be in the nest box. They will stop pooping in there soon. It's just one of those things that will pass.
Yep. My EE's were the last to lay at 28 1/2 weeks. I know the wait is torturous, but once they start laying you won't even remember it!
me too .. so frustrating.. i thought that maybe my EEs were hiding them in the yard so they've been on lock up for a full week now and still no eggs.. aaghhhh

good luck to you..
blessed be )O(Pink
i have two LF dark Brahama girls and they are getting the idea.. they have each gone in the box and sat in there for a long time fidgeting around untll one of the girls who needs the box runs them out.. for some reason they will only use one box I have 2 other set up exactly the same and nope they know the difference and will wait in a line to get into the original box.. weird? or normal?

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