6 week old chicks are huddling tonight, but it is warm. Need a light?


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
My 6 week old chicks have been in their coop for the past week. It has started to get warm at night, up to 60 degrees. I shut off the red light tonight after they went inside, and went back in a few minutes later with fresh water, and they were huddled in the corner. I know they are not cold, because it is warm here.

Should I leave a low watt light on for a week or so? Is seems when I put it back on they were happier. I just don't like leaving a light on all night in case it gets them too hot.

Thanks, Sally
Yes, they are just scared. Chickens are totally blind even in low light. For now give them a 40w light to see by at night. It is good to slowly wean them off of the light. Turn the light off during the day. You will know they are ready to be without the light, when you go out to put them to bed when it is just starting to get dark and they are already on the roost. GOOD LUCK!
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What I used to do was every so often, starting form the very beginning, I would shut off their lights for a few minutes several times a day. I would leave it off for longer periods as they got older, so by the time they were old enough to be without the heat lamp, they were used to the dark.

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