7 Week Old Roo? What am I?

Hmm. That's very interesting. Would you say that he has seven points?
I'll look into finding a hen with a nice correct comb, I'd like to see how it improves in the next generation.

He has seven points, with a very large one at the back. That would be a point detracted from his score, should you choose to show him.
That would be interesting. Plus youll have an excuse to hatch chicks

Thanks for sharing your knowledge. haha And Of course! I'm always looking for a good excuse to hatch out some chicks. xD
A good single comb should have 5 points, no thumbprints or side sprigs, red, straight, large.
I have a pair of dutch, and the roo didn't do as well as he could have because he doesnt have enough comb points and he has a thumbprint

If you bred him with a hen who had a very good comb, the offspring should have better combs...

Not necessarily. I bred my two best self blue Dutchies, both of which have great combs, and only one of the chicks has a correct comb. Tow others have larger combs with extra points. I'm guessing from my results that larger combs with more points must be recessive (?) so it's hard to tell which birds are homozygous for good comb shape.

ETA: The OPs bird is darling, and Dutchies are sooooo sweet! Only my silkies come anywhere near being as people friendly as my Dutchies. My absolute favorite chicken is a light brown Dutch roo named "Doo Roo" ... he's a little "manly man" until you pick him up, then he's all about the snuggle and tummy tickles!
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A good single comb should have 5 points, no thumbprints or side sprigs, red, straight, large.
I have a pair of dutch, and the roo didn't do as well as he could have because he doesnt have enough comb points and he has a thumbprint

If you bred him with a hen who had a very good comb, the offspring should have better combs...

Not necessarily. I bred my two best self blue Dutchies, both of which have great combs, and only one of the chicks has a correct comb. Tow others have larger combs with extra points. I'm guessing from my results that larger combs with more points must be recessive (?) so it's hard to tell which birds are homozygous for good comb shape.

aHmm. Well, genetics can go either way. I shall rephrase the sentence to say that there is a good chance that you would get better offspring out of the parents, but you might get a fluke and get a bird with a poorer comb.

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