7 weeks - sissies or should I worry


7 Years
Mar 26, 2012
Attica, MI
So I finally got my coop done and moved my 6-7 week old (I think) chicks in. They're fully feathered except for some tufties but the last few nights they've not roosted but slept in a pile in the corner. It's only been in about the 50's so not terribly cold.

Are they scared? Truly cold and not equipped? Or just sissies.

I only worry because tomorrow night it's supposed to be about 38. I would have thought they'd be ok at this point (and I really don't want to run a light out there). What's the deal?

I have 4 newly acquired (adult) banties in there that roost, albeit close together but they don't seem so miserable. In other words they seem fine. My RIR teenagers, on the other hand...

Do you think they'll be OK? I'm not huge on coddling but I'm wondering if I just don't know about timelines/temps. There's coddling and there's caretaking.

I'm fairly new to chickens but I have had my first batch out in their coop for a week with cooler nights but they seem to be doing great although I keep an amber colored light on for them for a little extra warmth. The first few nights I have walked over to their window to check in on them and they were all sleeping so the light doesnt seem to bother them at all. If you have it with cooler nights I would say place a light in there for a little extra warmth to see if that helps them feel more comfy.
My chickens dont roost untill they have been in the new coop for around 1 week..... some birds wont roost to sleep until they are close to 3 months old... nothing to worry about =] It very well could be that they dont see the coop as home yet...
My chickens dont roost untill they have been in the new coop for around 1 week..... some birds wont roost to sleep until they are close to 3 months old... nothing to worry about =] It very well could be that they dont see the coop as home yet...

Ahh I bet they don't see it as home. They roosted in the brooder but the roosts were different shapes and lower. The coop is a totally different experience for them. I was worried about them in the storm last night but all seemed fine this morning so you're probably right, they'll take care of things themselves and in their own time.

When we first put our 6 week old chicks in their coop, we went out every night at roost time and placed them on roost. On the third evening they made their own way up.

Haha I tried that but I felt like I was in some sort of I Love Lucy sketch. I'd get 4 or 5 of them up there and put the 6th or 7th up and the original ones would all fly off. I repeated that a few times one day then gave up. Five chicks forward, six chicks back

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