7 wk Bar Rock and Buff Orp


6 Years
Aug 28, 2013
I thought they were girls, but I'm starting to worry they're boys. The Barred Rock had a very defined white thumbprint on its head as a hatchling. What do you guys think?


They definitely are developing a comb, aren't they? I'd be leaning toward cockerel, too.
At 7 weeks I think they're both pullets. I don't think the second bird is a buff orp, though, it looks like a Red bird of some type. Buffs are gold colored.
I think they both warrant watching...the 7 week BR may well be a roo, keep watching the comb. Good news is there is no red to it, so it could be a maturing female.

Second bird likewise.

And 2nd bird is definitely not a Buff Orpington. It looks like a RIR or Production Red or something. Buff's are honey gold to daffodil gold. Never auburn or red.

Lady of McCamley
Oh, well that's a surprise. I was told Buff Orp when I got them. It won't bother me what breed they end up being. I'm just too attached to them to want them to be boys. And the Buff/Red is my granddaughter's, so I'd probably have to caponize them if they start crowing.
I had a hatchling emergency and needed some freshly hatched chicks ASAP, so I picked them up from a friend of a friend. Unfortunately, my one hatchling deceased but I still have these adorable packing peanuts. They weren't guaranteed to be anything specific, so I knew I was taking my chances. She said they were a Barred Rock and a Buff Orpington, but I have no idea where she got them from.

As for the crowing... I'm fine with them crowing, and I'm in the country so it's all good. The one roo I have isn't a loud crower. I would just prefer them to be a little less aggressive, and I don't have enough hens for two more roosters right now. My neighbors keep letting their dog kill my chickens and I'm almost finished with the dog-proof pen. A few raucous crowers backed up to their fence won't hurt my feelings at all.

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