7 year old hen has mucusy white poop, sits all day, lethargic


7 Years
Sep 21, 2014
My polish hen is almost 7 this september, for a few years now shes been slowing down, sits often and isnt as eager for treats as my other younger hens. Recently though, shes been sitting much more, and when she would used to detest to me picking her up, she just allows it. She feels like she weighs less than a pound. I havent noticed her eating much if at all. And I cant tell if shes had any solid droppings today. She just has a bunch of white pasty poop stuck to her butt, when I cleaned it just the other day. The vent is fine though. I watched her poop white mucus with some clear mucus too. My guess is some organ has been in decline for awhile now, she is the oldest hen Ive ever had and Ive always wondered how shes still alive. Is this some sort of bacterial disease or something else?

Anything to ease my mind. Rest of my hens are active and healthy. I do hope that Big Bird can live a little longer, but I also hope she isn't in any pain.

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