7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

I thought I missed the news during last nights postings. Go pigeon go !!!
There were so many posts last night! I still haven't fully caught up.

Baby pigeon will be happy you're cheering her on!
:Yesss: so happy for you, Ross! Pics when you get home!
A lot of people are hatching silkies this HAL. :Falcons on babies!
So cute!!

So.......it was an Ayam cemani baby that hatched first!!!!!! There is a fibro zipping as I had to leave the house again....:( and there were 2 more pips. 1 AC egg and 1 Fibro. Leaving just one AC left....I hope it hatches. And I forgot pictures in my short stay at the house.....I topped off their water and had to leave....I hope they will be okay until tomorrow! Bad timing to hatch babies and make plans. ....I need to do a better job planning next year. :/
My eggs are rocking! How can I tell if they are malpositioned inside? These are shipped eggs with saddle shaped air cells. Any suggestions?

Very nice. They only saddled one that had trouble was the worst one. I hatched mine in carton and until he started zipping I could not tell. Once he started it was obvious he was going vertical. Took him out of carton and put him on paper towel. I ended up helping him as my moisture must not have been enough or he just dried up. He's out and about now just fine.

Quote: I'd love to stay up and celebrate again and again with the rest of you, but it is already way past my bedtime.
(I can't believe this former Night Owl just said that!
) Roosters will start crowing outside my window in about 3 or 4 hours.

I don't know what's up with my roosters.
I can leave here at midnight, at 2am at 4am, whatever time in the dark and they are always crowing. And it's dark in there I pull the garage door down...
They make me laugh.
It is finally here!!! :weee :celebrate And it is loud!! LOL!!! Bonus, four more pips and I actually witnessed on is the pips happen.

(I am having trouble getting the picture to post. So, I will get it up later)
I don't know what's up with my roosters.:idunno I can leave here at midnight, at 2am at 4am, whatever time in the dark and they are always crowing. And it's dark in there I pull the garage door down...:gig  They make me laugh.

I find mine crow when I come and go as well. I think they are telling me they are hungry. If I turn kitchen light on in morning the one closest to the kitchen tells the others that I'm up. :lau
Still have 11 chicks and 4 eggs in the 'bator, looks like one of my eggs is pipped though

This is fun..it's hatching day for so many of you! Woot is right!
I woke up to two baby chicks that hatched out during the night! 2 out of 14! I've got a bunch more that are starting to pip too! I cant wait for them to fluff up so i can get them outa there, Worried about the other eggs, the chicks knocked the other eggs around and the pips are toward the bottoms.
And heeere you gooo.......

My first New Years chic was about 0445 local time and the second about 0700 -- my darkest egg hatched a light down naked neck. My first naked neck is fluffing up and there does appear to be a bowtie

I have 12 chicks now, but I concerned about one. It has a larger than normal head and it's feet are in front of it. It seems top heavy. I took pictures and a video. HELP!
This baby is doing what I call .. the paddle walk. I think it's cute. No worries, if it is just the paddle walk, it will be walking normal soon. Just taking a while to get the hang of it, in fact, it may be walking normal by the time I catch up on this thread!!!

The cracked egg with the tape hatch totally unassisted while I was sleeping for 2 hours! I'm up to 3 out and 1 more pip that I can see. Going to move the hatched ones over so I can check the other eggs and make sure pips haven't rolled over!! So excited!!
Yaay, good luck!

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