Ended 7th Annual New Years Day Hatch-a-long contest number 6 Gingerbread Contest

My five year old and I made a gingerbread house today (from a kit). Obviously not winning any prizes, but we had fun

The front



Proud little man!

Two second after the house was finished
. He had a lot of fun. It has been raining non stop this week, so this gave us a good indoor activitie.

I guess I should add, he pretended the little glob of frosting by the door was a duck nest (we have two ducks) with two blue and one purple duck egg. Like I said, this was just for fun.

It definitely qualifies - meets all requirements & that's definitely a duck nest.,
Congratulate your son on a job well done
for helping his mom with her entry.
All 8 kids from small to big loved decorating gingerbread houses. We put all the leaves in the dining room table. And removed the chairs. I put bowls of icing, colored icing in decorating bags and dozens of different shaped sprinkles. Glued to a sturdy plate with icing, each kid iced and decorated their own, sprinkled with dried coconut for snow and took them home.

I made huge batches of gingerbread from scratch, cut them out, baked them and glued them together with melted sugar. Doing it all ahead of time saves worlds of trouble. Those things stay together even if dropped when assembled with melted sugar.

The dogs were on hand to help clean up any dropped bits.

I have the houses baked but not glued yet to do with grsndkids.
Hope you are entering the contest, can't wait to see what you do
Okay, got a little time today before Kendra's first Christmas program, so I'm gonna try to make one of these.  Why do I feel like this has "disaster" written all over it?

I'm sure it will be great! I bet Kendra's Christmas program will be adorable. My son has his tomorrow.
Okay, got a little time today before Kendra's first Christmas program, so I'm gonna try to make one of these. Why do I feel like this has "disaster" written all over it?
I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Okay, got a little time today before Kendra's first Christmas program, so I'm gonna try to make one of these. Why do I feel like this has "disaster" written all over it?

This one seems to have me off my game as well.
Give me some boards and tools I will go do a coop
Give me some flour and eggs ... I will bake some cookies

But putting them together is making me feel out of my league.

I really am going to do one

I cant wait to see everyone elses too

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