8 mth old pullet - breed unknown


9 Years
Oct 29, 2010
I picked up this pullet via a post on craigslist. She is approx 8 months old, and originally came from a local feed store as a day old. She was being rehomed because she is apparently noisy. I'm hoping for some insight on what breed she is.
She is predominantly white, with a reddish brown chest, and a little red feathering around her comb. Her legs have a light olive green tint. In the few days I have had her she is laying (daily)a very lightly tinted blue egg of around 50gms. Temperant wise she seems flighty, but, I suspect she had never had any handling.
Any suggestions?

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Would vote she is an Easter Egger, have gotten ones that color before from hatcheries.
she has muffs, just not big. look at the last pic- she basically has what on a man a short trimmed jawline and goatee beard style normally EE don't have leg feathering.
Agree on the EE. Most do have muffs, but we've seen plenty of clean faced birds on this board over the years. But, the defining characteristic is a bird that doesn't fit any specific breed standard, that lays a blue or green egg. You slap the EE label on it, it's just a fancy of saying mixed breed colored egg layer.
ACtually, I'm happy with an identification of "mixed breed colored egg layer."

I found out the chick came from Welp hatchery, and scrolling through their breeds I came across "Red Pyle Old English Game Bantam" - the pics were very similar to the pullet I have. The description of the breed was not very appealing for my little flock. However these lay cream coloured eggs, so, I'm happier with Easter Egger.
Red Pyle is a color, this is a pic of an EE I got from McMurray that looks about the same as yours.
Thankyou for all he responses, and Kelsie thanks for posting the pic of your bird. I am happy to have an EE - now working on integration.....

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