8 week bantams breed confirmation and gender?


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2019
Hi! I already posted my polish in another thread but now I finally braved getting the others out (they don't like me as much and they're much harder to catch!) Could you all tell me what you think? They are all bantams. They are all 8 weeks old (maybe minus a couple days)
#1 is I think a light or mottled brahma Cockerel, he is 8 weeks old and STILL isn't fully feathered!!! Definitely think it's a Cockerel. But I would like confirmation on breed. He has a pea comb right? It has what looks like 3 rows and it's wide. I also chased him around the yard for 20 minutes because he hates me. He's a little prick.
#2 is my polish, really hoping it's a pullet. Also 8 weeks old. People have said red with red crest and guessed as pullet so far because of the full, rounded crest but I'm worried about saddle feathers. I live this one dearly and it trusts me!
#3 is the one I'm calling "baby nugget" because it's always liked me and it was the smallest, weakest chick I had when I got them. I believe it's a patridge Cochin? Has a lot of color coming in it's comb and little red wattles but I'm still holding out and hoping it's just a fast developer!
#4 is also a Cochin I think? What coloring do you call this? And I'm pretty sure that one is a pullet thankfully, no color in the comb and no wattle development yet.


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Your dark Brahma (last picture) is definitely a female. Males have a completely different pattern.
Can you get a picture of her comb? It is possible she is a silver pencilled cochin. :hmm

I believe your Polish is a female.

I think your partridge cochin is likely a female. All the males I have raised were very clear by about 5 weeks.

Your light Brahma might be a male.
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Your dark Brahma (last picture) is definitely a female. Males have a completely different pattern.
Can you get a picture of her comb? It is possible she is a silver pencilled cochin. :hmm

I believe your Polish is a female.

I think your partridge cochin is likely a female. All the males I have raised were very clear by about 5 weeks.

Your light Brahma might be a male.
I don't think the last one is a Brahma, it has a single comb.
Your dark Brahma (last picture) is definitely a female. Males have a completely different pattern.
Can you get a picture of her comb? It is possible she is a silver pencilled cochin. :hmm

I believe your Polish is a female.

I think your partridge cochin is likely a female. All the males I have raised were very clear by about 5 weeks.

Your light Brahma might be a male.
x2 except I think the partridge Cochin is a boy

Male Bantam Light Brahma
Female Red Crested Red Polish
Male Partridge Cochin
Female Barred Cochin

(That's my best guesses anyway)
x2 except the last one is a silver pencilled Cochin
Check the comb. Single = Cochin, Pea = Brahma. Its hard to tell in the pic. But Dark Brahmas are much more common than Penciled Cochins, especially from a hatchery.

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