8-week Easter Egger "pullet" - is it actually? *Updated 10-week pics pg 3 - Boy or girl?*

Has Sneaky laid any eggs yet

This thread was great, love to have an update!
Yes, having an update was really neat! I'm pleased to see that Sneaky didn't break gender coloration rules. I would have been quite confused had she turned out a roo.

I would put my money on a greenish egg for her.
Hi everybody!

I would love to tell you what color eggs Sneaky laid, but unfortunately I don't know because I had to sell my flock this fall.
We had a very unexpected health problem in the family and I've needed to back off from some of my animals - which is sad, but it's definitely been the right decision. I've still got my ducks, who actually started laying this past week, and hopefully I'll get more chickens sometime in the future - I do love having them around and having fresh eggs.

Thank you to EVERYBODY who shared in this thread - Sneaky was definitely the most interesting gender puzzle I've had with my sixty-some chickens I've had over the past few years.
Sneaky did go with a few other hens to a young family with some girls that were very excited to welcome them, so I'm sure she's enjoying her life.
I'm sorry to hear about the family heath issue but glad that Sneaky and some hen friends went to a happy home. Congrats on the ducks giving you eggs now
I say cockerel. At 8 weeks, she shows lots of red in that comb. No way that's a pullet, IMO, sorry. I could certainly be wrong here, but after raising so many Ameraucanas and a few EEs, I've never had any pullets show that much red at 8 weeks of age.

Here is an EE pullet at 12 weeks old, a full month older that your bird--see how her comb is still barely even pink yet?

Hard to say because EE's can be from so many different combinations of Auraucana and Ameracauna etc... Lots of dfferent bloodlines there.... All you ca do is wait and see if they start crowing sometimes. BTW nice pullet you have there
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I think this may be a rooster. I do not remember seeing a hen with a stance like this chicken has. I have a chick that is one of 10 that I bought that were all suppose to be pullets. but as these chicks grown and are about fully feathered, the one pullet is bigger than the rest of the chicks. I think the one large chick may be a rooster but I will not know for sure until they get bigger. I watch my chickens all the time as I find them amusing and the stance of the chicken in you photo sure has the stance of a rooster. :yiipchick

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