8 week LF cochin. Boy or girl?

Currently, it looks like a pullet (hen), but I am not 100% sure. I would wait until all of its feathers come in to be sure. If the vent is a slit, not shiny and sometimes, has circular bumps around it, its a hen. If it is shiny and circular, its a male.
so one in each camp now. sigh. this is a friends bird. I have to decide if I'm going to buy it or not. I don't want to buy it if it's a cockerel because I already have a roo, and can really only have one with my small flock. it has a smaller/lighter comb and is smaller than the rest of it's hatch mates.... but. I just don't know.
Maybe wait I couple more weeks and then post more pics?I think it´s a roo but I´m not sure!Good Luck!
It's sooooo hard to tell with these little guys. I have three and they are six weeks and from day old feather sexing I think I have a male and two females. Though last hatch I was convinced I had three females and two started to crow at sixteen weeks.........broke my heart to get rid of them as knew they would end up as meat. I love chicken don't get me wrong but not when I have raised and named it!!!!

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