
Aug 17, 2020
Queens, NY
I got 3 blue laced red Wyandotte bantam unsexed chicks from Ideal Poultry. They hatched on April 28 and are now 8 weeks old. They have been extremely slow feathering and the runt is still almost bald, just has feathers on head, back of neck, knees and tip of wings, so looks like a growth stunted, tiny plucked chicken. The 2 brothers are at least 3 times larger and heavier than the runt, which is the size of a 3 or 4 week old chick. I think all 3 are cockerels because of their very red and obvious wattle, but I could be wrong, as Wyandottes are hard to sex and even females' crest can turn red early. If they are roos I will need to find them a new home. I'm giving the runt, as well as a crossed beak black Silkie (also from Ideal Poultry) away for free to a good home. They were vaccinated for Merek's at hatch and have been raised indoors in an 8' x 8' tent brooder, and fed Grubbly Little Pecks Chick Crumbles dry, Scratch and Peck Organic Chick Crumbles soaked in water, and a variety of produce assorted lettuces, baby spinach, cabbage, squash, zucchini cucumber, deseeded apple and pear, andhave been raised with love. Pick up at Corona (Queens), NY. If you're interested in getting either chick, or both, please email me or text me (contact me here and I'll send you my phone number).



crossed beak black Silkie 8 week old chick close up2e.jpg

crossed beak black Silkie 8 week old chick9e.jpg
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Depending on how far away you are I'd be willing to take them. I would like a trainer chicken or two for my turkey poults, and all the feed stores around my area have stopped selling chicks.
Depending on how far away you are I'd be willing to take them. I would like a trainer chicken or two for my turkey poults, and all the feed stores around my area have stopped selling chicks.
I'm in Corona, NY not far from Flushing Meadows-Corona Park. Are you able to have roosters where you live? These are bantam chicks, so they are 1/2 to 1/4 size of a standard chicken.
I'm in Corona, NY not far from Flushing Meadows-Corona Park. Are you able to have roosters where you live? These are bantam chicks, so they are 1/2 to 1/4 size of a standard chicken.
I'm able to have roosters, but I live in western Missouri which is a bit too far.

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