8 week old duckling with weak leg

Wow - how long did it take to see improvement?
Technically it's still a duckling, I guess (I still consider them babies, lol), but it's been bigger than my full grown mallards for a couple weeks now :lau I should weigh it when I get home, I bet it's at least 4lbs... bigger than my Welshies too. Big ol' cuddly baby... View attachment 1802276

It all depends on how bad the problem is. I had one with wry neck that took two months to get fixed finally. But the Rouens I had I saw improvement in their legs in a week but they hadn’t gotten to the level your baby is because they were smaller when it started.

Between rest and good vitamin complex mix you may see something in a week but it can take longer with bigger birds like Pekin.
Wow - how long did it take to see improvement?
Technically it's still a duckling, I guess (I still consider them babies, lol), but it's been bigger than my full grown mallards for a couple weeks now :lau I should weigh it when I get home, I bet it's at least 4lbs... bigger than my Welshies too. Big ol' cuddly baby... View attachment 1802276

These guys are the cutest! :love Keep up the good work & fingers crossed she shows some improvement soon. :fl:fl
No signs of improvement yet guys :(
He (yeah, he... his voice finally changed - every now and then I hear some weird almost-girl-like noises but most of the time he sounds just like my other boys) keeps leaving his leg stretched out behind him, like it's just too difficult to try to get it up underneath him. And if he does get it underneath him when he tries to walk, he ends up crunching his foot up and/or walking on the top of his foot. I've been putting tons of that liquid b complex in their food (like 3 syringes twice a day). Tried sitting him in a shallow bowl of Epsom salt water and just as I figured, he managed to get his bill in the water and drink it.:rolleyes: Swimming doesn't help because then he doesn't even have to try to use it to stay up so it just floats behind him the whole time. I don't know what else to do...do you think one of those contraptions used for spraddle leg would help force him to keep his leg where it should be and use it, or just aggravate him (and me)?
It may be about time to take him to the vet....*sigh*
This just reminds me so much of Bullwinkle, and none of the vets were able to help him, or even figure out what was wrong with him. His quality of life was basically gone in a matter of months... I don't want this poor baby to end up like that :hit
Must be an injury and maybe an xray would show what. Keep up the Liquid B complex but he/she may need something for pain and inflammation. Sounds like maybe where the foot and ankle meet?
I started to dig out the Meloxicam last night but figured I'd annoyed the poor thing enough for one day. I keep trying to figure what the problem is, and other than the leg being atrophied, I just can't find anything wrong with it. He can stand on both legs, if I get the leg in place under him, but as soon as he goes to take a step, he can't get the leg to move forward and it flips backward and he falls. Honestly he might just be making it worse sometimes, trying to get around on it as it is. :(
16% is all they need beyond 4 weeks plus forage material.
I was told that earlier, that's why I started adding the oats. I don't know that such a thing is available in my area... I've been feeding all my ducks Purina Flock Raiser for years. Maybe they have it as a layer feed, but it's my understanding I can't use that since I have drakes too.

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