8 weeks old now, what is your guess about the breeds of these three?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 6, 2013
Corpus Christi, TX
Here are pictures of my three chicks. These are my first chickens and they were given to me. So I don't know what I have. They are now 8 weeks old.

My guess is Buff Orpington, an Americauna and a Wellsummer. What do you think?

Here are their baby pics a few days old. It's the eye liner on the striped one that made me guess Wellsummer. What do you think?

I agree with you on first and last, except the middle I don't really know anything of americaunas and kind of looks like a blue australorp to me, but it most likely isn't!
Not sure on the first two but the third one looks like it has white earlobes which would mean it's a brown leghorn not a Welsummer.
Yep, her ears are white as best I can tell.

I was hoping for a Wellsummer because of the egg color. But it sure looks like white ears.

Thanks, for the insight.
I'm not sure if it's really the color or my monitor, but that first bird looks more red/orange than buff. If so, I'd think maybe New Hampshire?
The second bird has a straight comb, so not ameraucana. Maybe a blue andalusian? Kinda looks like white earlobes there, also.
The third bird, I agree looks like a brown leghorn, with the lobes and the larger comb.

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