8 year old pekin duck cant walk very well. This isn't an emergency I just need advice.

Would putting the B complex on a little piece of bread be okay until we get more bananas which might be a day or two from now.
I want to give Angel some b complex today, as my dad got the needles from murdochs yesterday, they are 18G×1" aluminum hub needles.
Bread probably isn't ideal. Maybe if it was just a little bit, but then she'd probably avoid it if it didn't disguise the bitter tase any.

You could try some scrambled eggs or frozen peas if you have any. I usually put it over some mealworms if you have any of those around either.
Bread probably isn't ideal. Maybe if it was just a little bit, but then she'd probably avoid it if it didn't disguise the bitter tase any.

You could try some scrambled eggs or frozen peas if you have any. I usually put it over some mealworms if you have any of those around either.
I don't think Angel cares for scrambled eggs last time i tried giving my ducks scrambled eggs they didn't care for them or I just didn't hand it out right or something.

I will see if we have some peas, we have live meal worms for our lizards, I don't know if my brothers will let me use them for Angel.
Here's some pictures of her today.
She was walking to some food, I had brought a little more out for them.


Because of the uneven ground right there she stumbled but got right back up.

She's so much happier!

Playing in the water.


She kept attacking my phone I think she thought I had more food. She even nibbled on my fingers a little bit.


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Here some more photos of her when she was swimming earlier.

I think the egg on the left of the Cayuga duck egg is Angels and I think Angelina's egg is right next to Angels.
She's a beautiful duck! Looks great for being 8 or 9 years old. I'm sure she's just loving all the attention you've been giving her. Some good-looking eggs too! My girls are about a month or so off from laying still. Hopefully they'll look as good as yours!
Angel, did not want the wet feed with the b complex on it.
She had a tiny little bit of the feed.
Before she even ate it she acted suspicious of it.
So I think I will try giving it to her on a banana or something when we actually have bananas.

The b complex looks yellow when it's out of the bottle, I put a tiny bit of it on a tissue before putting the rest of it on the feed to make sure it wasn't any funky color.
The b complex dyed the feed a bit yellow to so I wonder if the looks of it made Angel say no to it.
Yeah, even using mealworms some of my ducks can be pretty hesitant to eat it. Some have gotten used to the smell/taste and will eat it right up, a few I pick up and sit with a couple minutes, but my girl Lilo is by far the most difficult. Of course she's the Pekin that needs it the most too. She'd probably take it right out of the bowl from me, but she gets crowded out and it's not really possible to shoo the rest away without her wanting to go with them. And she refuses to eat sitting with me.

So when Lilo needs some complex I'll give it to her first thing in the morning when she's hungry. I'll put/leave her in the coop, before putting food down for anyone, and I'll give her some fresh water along with a bowl of some mealworms soaked in the complex and a small handful of duck pellets on the side. She'll fuss a little bit being left alone, but eventually she'll clear her bowl. Takes about 20 minutes or so; gets quicker the more she's used to it.
Yeah, even using mealworms some of my ducks can be pretty hesitant to eat it. Some have gotten used to the smell/taste and will eat it right up, a few I pick up and sit with a couple minutes, but my girl Lilo is by far the most difficult. Of course she's the Pekin that needs it the most too. She'd probably take it right out of the bowl from me, but she gets crowded out and it's not really possible to shoo the rest away without her wanting to go with them. And she refuses to eat sitting with me.

So when Lilo needs some complex I'll give it to her first thing in the morning when she's hungry. I'll put/leave her in the coop, before putting food down for anyone, and I'll give her some fresh water along with a bowl of some mealworms soaked in the complex and a small handful of duck pellets on the side. She'll fuss a little bit being left alone, but eventually she'll clear her bowl. Takes about 20 minutes or so; gets quicker the more she's used to it.
I think tomorrow or maybe even today, I am going to get enough food ready just off Angel and put the b complex on just some of it or maybe kind of sprinkle it on the food, maybe that will work.
Idk, I'll figure something out.

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