8x30 American Coop (Carolina Coops) build - pix heavy

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Dear wife thinks this is a Golden Lace Wyandotte instead of a Wellsummer - I think she might be correct. Whatever breed it is, it's beautiful.
To me, it does not look Golden Laced, and it does not look like a Wyandotte.

It does look like a cockerel (black breast, red in shoulders, pointy saddle feathers growing just forward of the tail.)
Yes, and I think I see a few barred feathers in there too.
I think those feathers are just baby feathers, not an indication of adult color.

I've seen quite a few chicks that grew feathers with stripes of brown and black when they were young, and later grew up to be solid red, or double laced, or some other pattern.

Barring (the gene used to create some sexlinks) makes white stripes on colored feathers, not brown-and-black stripes like what I'm seeing on that chick. And the pattern seen on Golden Campines is caused by a particular combination of other genes that this chick probably does not have.
In the last photo, seated behind and to the left of the possible Blue Sumatra, there is another bird with pretty large, red comb and wattle.
This may be a possible young roo??
That's our silkie, I was wondering if it was a Cockrell like the Wellsummer with a large red comb. Someone told my wife a Cockrell would be crowing by this age - true?
Not sure that bird is a silkie. You can google for some images. I have not raised any silkies but I believe they usually have a walnut comb and black skin. Pretty anyway.
I've had boys attempt to crow at a few weeks old and some that were a couple months old before the crowed. They are all different. The first crows are somewhat hilarious! They have to practice. lol
That's our silkie
I didn't notice silkie feathers on any of the chickens in the photos. They should be fluffy like hair, instead of having normal feathers.

Someone told my wife a Cockrell would be crowing by this age - true?
True for some cockerels, false for some others. They vary quite a lot, even if they are the same breed.
That’s coop looks amazing! How long did it take you? I love you amaracanas!
Thank you!
The coop is a kit from Carolina Coops. We ordered it I think November 1st and delivery was early May. Myself and 2 highly skilled buddies took about 3 weeks to assemble. Several days of that was me painting primer and then spraying the finish color coat.

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