9 1/2 week old pullet with leg injury...?


8 Years
May 27, 2011
Southern California
When I went out to check on my chicks a little bit ago, I noticed one of my barred rocks was laying down and didn't come to greet me.
The 2 barred rocks are my oldest girls and have been getting treats from me longer than the other chicks, so they usually greet me right away and are my friendliest chicks. So, I went over to the side of the run where she was and she moved to her side and stretched both legs out- but nothing seemed wrong at this point, she was just stretching. Then she tucked her legs back under her and still laid there. This is odd for her. I went over and checked the feeders & waterers to make sure they didn't need anything, and when I shook one feeder to make sure the feed was coming down, she got up. One of her legs seemed a little further out to the side, but looked normal other than that- it was just not straight down next to the other one (if that makes sense). As she walked to the feeder, she sort of hobbled- still putting a little weight on the leg, but not very well and not much weight- sort of a limp. She'd take a few steps and stop often. Then when she was at the feeder, the leg slid out from under her and she fell over. She hopped right back up and continued to eat, but the leg just wasn't holding her. I can't tell if she is in pain- she isn't acting nervous or worked up at all, and she did eat while I was there. But something is definitely wrong. My husband thinks we should just give her time and watch it. What do you all think? I am a mess about this, by the way. You can try to prepare yourself as much as possible about the fact that things will happen with your birds (or any animals for that matter) but when it actually happens- at least for me- I don't feel prepared at all. I'm questioning my ability to keep chickens because I hate this aspect of it SO much! I have no idea what will happen if one needs to be culled due to an injury or sickness. My husband says he'll take care of it for me, but he also works a lot (so what if it was an emergency and needed to be done right away?). But, I love having them, and can only imagine how much we'll enjoy them once they are helping us by laying eggs too! Ugh. I just don't know. I just need a little support and advice right now, I guess. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

Edited for spelling error.
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I am not sure how much I can help....but I can definately offer you some support. I also really hate dealing with the health issues that come up with chickens. You do get better at it over time....at least I think I have. How old is your chick? The first thing I would do is take it in the house and place it on a flat surface in order to fully observe how she is moving about. Try to examine and feel her leg all over, even the joint at her hip. Try to slowly move it around in normal motions with your hand to see if it is out of place or moving normally. Then give her some treats to see how her appetite is. I would also start her on poly-vi-sol infant vitamin drops (without iron) giving her 3 drops in her food or a small dish of water twice a day. I have seen many chicks recover from all sorts of things once boosted with vitamins. Then I would just watch her closely for awhile and see if she improves. Keep us posted on her symptoms and progress. Hope someone else can help more. But I'll send you good thoughts.
I have a RIR that has had a leg injury for a couple of months now. Now mind you she was a mess otherwise also.. She had scalley (?spelling?) leg mites, and some external and internal parasites also. We are finally getting all the rest of the problems addressed, thanks to BYC. I had no idea this site existed till about a month ago. I love it now, I had no idea that there could be so many things that could affect a chicken! Anyways, I have been keeping my hen in "solitary confinement" for the most part. I won't let any of my Roo's near her. I don't want any of them adding any stress to her leg which I think is slowly healing. At least she isn't limping as bad as before, She is finally able to put some more weight on it without it 'giving out' . I have been told that she might have sprained her leg at some time, and I think that is what must have happened (on top of everything else she had wrong). I hope this helps a little I don't know what else to tell you. Just give her some time and see what happens.
Thank you for your replies. She is 9 1/2 weeks old. She's eating and drinking just fine, although sometimes when she's concentrating on eating or drinking she falls over because her leg slips out from under her, towards the back or the side. It just kind of slowly slides one way or the other until she's down. I picked her up and she didn't seem to mind anything I did, I held the leg, felt it up and down, moved it and tried to feel the joints. I can't say that I would know any different, but it felt ok to me- I tried to feel the other leg to compare. She never flinched or cried out, so I don't even know if it's hurting her, though I can't see why it wouldn't be. She just sat there and chirped softly while I held her & felt her leg. I am picking up a dog crate I found on CL tomorrow in case I need to separate her from the flock. Right now I'm not sure I need to, but I probably will to be safe. She is one of the two oldest chicks I have- the rest being 7 to 7 1/2 weeks old and smaller. I do have one confirmed roo (7 1/2 weeks old) but I don't think he bothers the older girls much yet... although maybe he's starting- I'll have to watch him more. Right now I think he's the one getting picked on, since all of his tail feathers are gone. Well, again- thank you for the responses and support... I have calmed down a little bit now and am able to think about it more rationally
I was freaking out a little before and my husband was making it worse by not acknowledging that it was anything to be bothered by. Now he has let me explain why it is a big deal to me and he's treating it a little more like an issue. Hopefully I'll see some improvement in her soon! Oh, and I'll be going tomorrow to get some Poly Vi Sol for her when I pick up the dog crate.
Well, no change today. She's still falling over and the leg seems to move like she can't really control it. She's still able to hobble herself to the food and water and gobbled up some mealworms this afternoon, but it's painful (for me) to watch her! I went down to check on them when it was about bedtime and they were all cuddled on the ground around her (I don't think they use their roosts... but that's another story)- but she was upside down, like she'd been knocked onto her back and couldn't get back up. Poor girl. So, now she's asleep in a box in the garage with her own food & water (with Poly Vi Sol). She ate & drank again when I moved her there, so that's good- I see her eat & drink every time I check on her. Hopefully this leg will get better so she can get back to normal. At least I hope it's something that will get better...? Now I'm starting to wonder at what point I would know if it's something permanent or something that will improve/heal? I saw something on here about a slipped achilles tendon- anyone know what the signs of that are/how I would know if that's what was wrong?
Thank you all again!!!

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