90 Days *A RolePlay*

Name- Hailey Bree Roberts
Age- 14
Gender- Female
Group- Tri-color
Description- Slight girl with bright blue eyes and brunette hair. Pale-skinned and underweight; overall, appears pathetically fragile. Often is mistaken as a much younger child. Constantly keeps her hair in a neat bun, even outside of the competition. 5'2". Wears blood-red framed glasses. Besides the competition uniform, she wears high-top sneakers.
Short Personality- She's an adorable nerd. Quiet and easily intimidated. Tries to refrain from confrontation as much as possible. Genius as a result from her constant research and pursuit of knowledge. Often underestimated because of her size and stature, but she'd surprise the unbelievers with her logical thinking and cool head if given a chance. Resourceful in even the most dire situations. Tries to see the good in everyone and everything, but that hopeless optimism has turned out to be a fatal flaw for her.
As a result, she normally keeps herself out of society as much as possible. The competition has not only forced her to partake in human interaction, but now she has to rely on others.
Friends with- She doesn't really know anyone as a result of usually being a recluse.
Enemies with- See above.
Helpful item- She's got a bird necklace that doubles as a piercing whistle.
ID Number- 17
Name- Sage
Age (14-17)- 16
Gender- Female
Group- Pastel-Group
Description- Long, wavy, thick white-blonde hair, and dark amber-yellow eyes. Though not athletically built, she is rather fit. 5'7".
Short Personality- Sage is one of those people who are wise beyond there years. Fiercely loyal to those she cares about, and will never abandon someone. Unless you are disloyal to her, then you are cut from her life almost instantly. She is rather quiet, but knowledgable on many topics. She has many flaws, though does her best to hide them.
Friends with- Open
Enemies with- She tries to refrain from holding grudges. though with currently unknown enemies, she will cut you from her life if you wrong her in any way.
Helpful item- A black dagger.
ID Number- 35
Name: Vivian Blue
Age: 14
Gender: F
Group: dark
Description: she has short curly brown hair and green-hazel eyes.
Short personality: sassy, pushes everyone’s buttons and knows who is a smart choice of friends
Friends with: open
Enemies with: her twin sister Elenor
Helpful item: her locket (a family thing that’s been passed down)
ID number: 8
Other: I’m going to make her twin now...
Username: @Butterscotchbitesfinger

Name: Elenor Blue
Age: 14
Gender: F
Group: blue
Description: see above (twins with Vivian)
Short personality: popular, hates her sister. Pretty
Friends with: open
Enemies with: her sister
Helpful item: her hairbrush
ID number: 26
Other: her and Vivian are identical twins
Username: @Butterscotchbitesfinger

Name: Anneliese Kunller
Gender: f
Group: pastel
Description:unusually tall with poor coordination and balance. Very light skin and red hair.
Personality: She is extremely smart and is introverted, but once someone is her friend she never turns her back.
friends with: the few people that can get through to her
Enemies with: the few people she particularly dislikes (she doesn't have an opinion on most people)
helpful item: a hatchet
ID number:387
Other: struggles to walk in heels
Username: SueZ 24

Just realized their ID is just their gamer number, not social security like I originally thought XD

Name: Aros Channe Hagen
Age (14-17): 17
Gender: Male
Group: Tricolor group
Description: Pitch black hair laid slick against his head. Unusually bright silver eyes. Light, yet not pale, skin. 6'1 tall.
Short Personality: Quiet, intelligent, and a skilled liar. Rest to be RPed.
Friends with: Few
Enemies with: Many
Helpful item: A compass
ID Number: 15
Other: None
Username: @RiverStorm

Name: Lachlan Conrad Fallyn
Age (14-17): 14
Gender: Male
Group: Warm Group
Description: Wavy dark brown hair. Light skin. Light green eyes that seem to sparkle. 5'11 tall.
Short Personality: Always ready to help, kind, brave, exceedingly loyal. Resilient no matter what, and usually in the works of crafting a friendship. While he is very kind, this usually is his downfall-- Being too trusting. Playful, and sometimes way too silly.
Friends with: Many
Enemies with: Few
Helpful item: Climbing rope.
ID Number: 5
Other: River's twin brother (Older one of the twins). He's rather horrified that he wasn't placed in the same group as River.
Username: @RiverStorm

Name: Logan Keller
Gender: m
Description: tall with shaggy, light brown hair. Tan skin, but not dark. Broad shoulders and long arms
Personality:extremely stubborn but easily manipulated. Is really good at figuring things out. Loves puns and plays on words.
Friends with: those who can put up with him
Enemies with those who can't put up with him
Helpful item: flint and steel
ID number:89
Username: SueZ 24

Name: Cameron (his friends call him Cam.)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Group: dark group
Description: short light brown hair, chocolate-y brown eyes, tan-ish skin, 6feet tall.
Short personality: He's your typical "bad boy" kind of guy, smart, attractive, stubborn.
Friends with: TBRP
Enemies with: Due to his annoying nature, a lot of people dislike him.
Helpful item: Small pocket knife.
ID number: 27
Username: @FrankieDoodle

Name- Adam
Age (14-17)- 17
Gender- M
Group- Pastel
Description- Adam stands at a strong 5'11, with long black wavy hair that stretches a little past his shoulders. He has piercing blue eyes and a complexion that compares to a cool glass of milk. His cheeks are sprinkled lovingly with freckles. He has a thin frame, with some slight muscle toning.
Short Personality- He keeps a rude and sarcastic front, ending up not being liked by many.
Friends with- He can only maintain friendships with dogs
Enemies with- George
Helpful item- Fishing Pole
ID Number- 66

Name: Alice tinston
Age: 17
Gender: F
Group: pastel
Description: she has short brown hair that comes abover her shoulders. She has electric blue eyes and pale skin
Short personality: she is fierce and feisty. She never holds back on her opinion
Friends with: open
Enemies with: open
Helpful item: string
ID number: 20
Other: she has 3 younger siblings that she has escaped by coming here
Username: @Butterscotchbitesfinger
Name- Hailey Bree Roberts
Age- 14
Gender- Female
Group- Tri-color
Description- Slight girl with bright blue eyes and brunette hair. Pale-skinned and underweight; overall, appears pathetically fragile. Often is mistaken as a much younger child. Constantly keeps her hair in a neat bun, even outside of the competition. 5'2". Wears blood-red framed glasses. Besides the competition uniform, she wears high-top sneakers.
Short Personality- She's an adorable nerd. Quiet and easily intimidated. Tries to refrain from confrontation as much as possible. Genius as a result from her constant research and pursuit of knowledge. Often underestimated because of her size and stature, but she'd surprise the unbelievers with her logical thinking and cool head if given a chance. Resourceful in even the most dire situations. Tries to see the good in everyone and everything, but that hopeless optimism has turned out to be a fatal flaw for her.
As a result, she normally keeps herself out of society as much as possible. The competition has not only forced her to partake in human interaction, but now she has to rely on others.
Friends with- She doesn't really know anyone as a result of usually being a recluse.
Enemies with- See above.
Helpful item- She's got a bird necklace that doubles as a piercing whistle.
ID Number- 17

Name- Sage
Age (14-17)- 16
Gender- Female
Group- Pastel-Group
Description- Long, wavy, thick white-blonde hair, and dark amber-yellow eyes. Though not athletically built, she is rather fit. 5'7".
Short Personality- Sage is one of those people who are wise beyond there years. Fiercely loyal to those she cares about, and will never abandon someone. Unless you are disloyal to her, then you are cut from her life almost instantly. She is rather quiet, but knowledgable on many topics. She has many flaws, though does her best to hide them.
Friends with- Open
Enemies with- She tries to refrain from holding grudges. though with currently unknown enemies, she will cut you from her life if you wrong her in any way.
Helpful item- A black dagger.
ID Number- 35

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