96 Hour Chick Ship


7 Years
Feb 20, 2014
Colorado Springs, CO
Hi everyone! First time chick mama here, I have 26 babies right now and they’re doing great! My hatch from the 29th never showed up at the post office, though, so obviously I’m thinking I lost all of them but I can’t help hoping that a few might arrive alive.

My question is: Has anyone had chicks arrive alive after a 96 hour ship?
My question is: Has anyone had chicks arrive alive after a 96 hour ship?
Yes I have, though not bantams.

Make sure your water is WARM when initially offered. Offer water BEFORE food.. dehydration is deadly faster than hunger.

Crush the feed extra into a finer powder.

If possible use Poultry Nutri Drench in your water.. it has amino acids that many electrolyte solutions do not. A direct drop of nutri drench to the beak for anyone EXTRA tired. Facing the bend in my forefinger I can help direct the drip and the chicks swallow naturally as it rolls into their mouth. LAST resort IF you ALREADY have on hand Poly Vi Sol baby vitamins.. Otherwise the Nutri Drench is a far superior product for chicks.

Add electrolytes to you water.. if you don't have a packet.. there are EASY recipes for homemade poultry solutions. This will HELP to combat the dehydration they may be facing.

Hope they're loud and mad when you get them and that it's ASAP.. babies with enough energy to complain is always a good sign for shipped chick! :fl
Yes I have, though not bantams.

Make sure your water is WARM when initially offered. Offer water BEFORE food.. dehydration is deadly faster than hunger.

Crush the feed extra into a finer powder.

If possible use Poultry Nutri Drench in your water.. it has amino acids that many electrolyte solutions do not. A direct drop of nutri drench to the beak for anyone EXTRA tired. Facing the bend in my forefinger I can help direct the drip and the chicks swallow naturally as it rolls into their mouth. LAST resort IF you ALREADY have on hand Poly Vi Sol baby vitamins.. Otherwise the Nutri Drench is a far superior product for chicks.

Add electrolytes to you water.. if you don't have a packet.. there are EASY recipes for homemade poultry solutions. This will HELP to combat the dehydration they may be facing.

Hope they're loud and mad when you get them and that it's ASAP.. babies with enough energy to complain is always a good sign for shipped chick! :fl
Oh my goodness thank you for your response! That is all really great information! I’ve used the electrolyte/ probiotic packets for my healthy chicks, but will definitely be running out to get some Nutridrench!
They did! They're not home with me, though -- I ordered them through a small, locally owned shop. They arrived to the store and I've been in contact with them. Apparently there were some survivors (they didn't give numbers) and the owners and staff are nursing them back to health and have recommended that everyone on this order wait until at least Tuesday to pick up the orders that can be filled so the chicks can de-stress. I had a shipment of chicks arrive to this shop after a 72 hour ship and they were amazing and were able to save most of the chicks that arrived alive that time. They're truly wonderful people!

Every time I go in to the store during chick season, someone is bound to have a bandana around their neck with chicks inside that they're paying extra attention to so they've got their best chance. I'll try to swing back here when I can hopefully pick up at least some of my order!
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Just checking back in to give the update, sorry it took a while! I ended up getting 9 of the 10 chicks I ordered on this hatch day. They have been wonderful and healthy since I've brought them home! They were still understandably a little tired when I got them home, but I spoiled them for a few days in the house before moving them out with the rest of our girls to live outside with the Mama Heating Pad setup.

I'm not sure of the actual losses the store experienced.

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