A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

I am glad you are better.
I discovered for cough and asthma, the juice from an onion cut thin and covered in honey really helps and I feel better all around... because that OTC stuff does not work and the prescription stuff is not easy to get prescribed.

I am going to experiment with turmeric and honey next. Between the both, no virus or bacteria has a chance. ( one hopes.)

I think I need to go over to backyard herds and sign up. I bet they have a medicinal honey thread over there.
Okay. I do not have much to contribute because I am a Neo-bee-aphite, but I will go sign up.
I wanted to when I joined the self sufficiency site and the Garden site, but I did not have a herd. Now I do.
Not to take any thing away from honey (cuz I do use it for 'stuff' too) but I totally believe in taking elderberry before cold and flu season. I think it definitely boosts the immune system.

I have used honey for some skin issues. Also, Wellness Mama recommends it for a facial wash as well as cleaning the hair. I have used it for both as I am trying to be chemical free.....not easy and I'm not 100% successful.
vpatt..Where do you get your elderberry? Do you make your own concoction or buy it? I am very interested in this. I have a friend that has made an elderberry syrup for colds that is awesome but she's lives about 12 hours from me now. :/ Any info would be greatly appreciated...
vpatt..Where do you get your elderberry? Do you make your own concoction or buy it? I am very interested in this. I have a friend that has made an elderberry syrup for colds that is awesome but she's lives about 12 hours from me now. :/ Any info would be greatly appreciated...

I buy elderberry concentrate at the health food store. I want to get a bush and try growing and making my own,but I have never done it. I try to take it early in the fall and up thru winter. Sometimes I add it to a smoothie and sometimes I just take it straight. I don't really measure it......probably take one to two teaspoons a day.

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