A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

Well, I did it. In my car right now are two complete 8 frame medium hives. I got 3 supers per hive that were preassembled, to get me rolling, and 3 more per hive to put together as needed, so I have 6 supers per hive, plus some odds and ends, like feeders and tools and such, as well as foundation to get started. The guys at Valley Bee in Fisherville VA were very helpful and said I had put together an excellent starter package and was doing everything right so far. I got my supplies there as I have traveled to the area for a conference this week and was surprised to find a shop nearby. It was fun to go look at the equipment and see and feel all the toys, lol. I have two packages coming to me from a large shipment April 8 or thereabouts. They are just packages, so I'm sure I'll want to requeen later in the summer, and there happens to be two queen breeders within an hour of me.

I have a can of stain and a can of exterior paint in the garage so I can paint or stain, whichever I choose, next week if it's warm enough.

I still want a TBH. If Michael Bush can overwinter them where he lives, I'm sure it can be done here. There is a guy here in MD doing it successfully. But I'll build that this summer at my leisure when I have scrap wood left over from other projects we will do over the summer, and if the bees do well, maybe I can put my own bees in it next year. I really want lots of wax for soapmaking and other such uses, and I love comb honey the most.
Well, I did it. In my car right now are two complete 8 frame medium hives. I got 3 supers per hive that were preassembled, to get me rolling, and 3 more per hive to put together as needed, so I have 6 supers per hive, plus some odds and ends, like feeders and tools and such, as well as foundation to get started. The guys at Valley Bee in Fisherville VA were very helpful and said I had put together an excellent starter package and was doing everything right so far. I got my supplies there as I have traveled to the area for a conference this week and was surprised to find a shop nearby. It was fun to go look at the equipment and see and feel all the toys, lol. I have two packages coming to me from a large shipment April 8 or thereabouts. They are just packages, so I'm sure I'll want to requeen later in the summer, and there happens to be two queen breeders within an hour of me.

I have a can of stain and a can of exterior paint in the garage so I can paint or stain, whichever I choose, next week if it's warm enough.

I still want a TBH. If Michael Bush can overwinter them where he lives, I'm sure it can be done here. There is a guy here in MD doing it successfully. But I'll build that this summer at my leisure when I have scrap wood left over from other projects we will do over the summer, and if the bees do well, maybe I can put my own bees in it next year. I really want lots of wax for soapmaking and other such uses, and I love comb honey the most.
Yea! Good luck.
Good for you, it is a worth while effort. Don't worry about re-queening until next year. Most of the queen you get with the package is a good one. Make sure the wood isn't treated lumber when you build the TBH. One of these years I'm going to build one. We got about 8 gal. of honey last year. Get some SHB traps when you can, they will show up sooner or later. Also make some wax moth traps.
Well, I lost the baby (another boy) in a late miscarriage
and in an effort to make me interested in...well....life again, I'm revisiting the idea of bees. Is it too late to order packages? I am thinking of messaging an apiary a couple hours north of me and asking if he will have extra packages, as his website says nucs are sold out.

I don't know if I'll go through with it, but maybe...
I am so very sorry for your loss. No mother should have to lose a child.

55 degrees and sunny ~ all the hives are flying!

Great shot!
My bees made it beautifully through winter this time!
Everything is in full bloom and it's time for me to add the honey super today! My hive has a nice, honey aroma when I walk up to it. The colony is very strong and doing great!

Here is a picture and a video of my bees a couple weeks ago. I was challenging myself to get a picture of a bee with her pollen sacs full.

And the hive activity:
I'm so excited - I have put a deposit down on two nuc's, and should get them towards the end of next month. Last year, I took a bee-keeping course from my local bee-keepers association, and bought two packages of bees. One promptly absconded - no where to be found after a couple of days. The other, I believe, had an un-mated queen. So for all my efforts, I ended up with no bees. Which is why I am going the route of nuc's this year.

I look forward to everyone's experiences and sharing my own. So glad to find this part of BYC!
I ordered a package for my top bar hive. I continue to read and watch videos. There are a number of different approaches. My main goals are to help establish healthy bee populations and develop a source of beeswax for my various projects.

How did you all decide where you put your hives? Anyone have their hive in a chain link kennel/run to protect from large marauders?

Any neighbor troubles? How about painting your hives? Just want to get some ideas.

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