A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

We've had a very mild winter, and everything is in bloom. Most of my fruit trees are currently in bloom, or are finished blooming. My orange is going to be flowering any day now. (buds are opening) Nothing on the apples yet. Manzanita is in full bloom as well. They have been bringing in pollen like crazy.
We've had a very mild winter, and everything is in bloom. Most of my fruit trees are currently in bloom, or are finished blooming. My orange is going to be flowering any day now. (buds are opening) Nothing on the apples yet. Manzanita is in full bloom as well. They have been bringing in pollen like crazy.
I hope that in a couple of months, we will be in a similar state.
I hope that in a couple of months, we will be in a similar state.

You're going to move to California?
Barely up to freezing today, with stiff winds. Already starting to cool off. The red maples are about to pop, the crocuses are up, snowdrops have been blooming for about a month.
Well my bees are not coming out of their hives today.
Raining at the moment and cold with it too. Im lying in bed trying to keep warm!
Our hives in the garden are queen right so far. They were bringing in pollen last week
and it was warm enough for us to have a sneeky peek inside. We have not managed to check our
out apairy to see how they were doing.
All our supers are now clean ready for the honey flow in a few months time.

Are any of you a swarm contact in your area? Myself and my hubby are. We have had some
massive challenges over the last few years. I find it great fun, my hubby not so much.
Our association think we are insane, mainly because we take on jobs where most beekeepers
would not bother collecting a swarm because it would be somewhere too awkward to get to them.
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