A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

Thank you guys,
I will look in to this and do a winter prep so I can start in the spring. Does this sound like a good plan?
Yes. I highly recommend looking into taking an intro to beekeeping course (many local beekeeping associations offer them in late winter), or at least joining your local beekeeping association. Start attending meetings now if you can. They will be your best source for info on beekeeping in your area.
Is there a better time of day to check my bees? I need to check the last 2 frames so I can add the next super. I'm going to do it tomorrow. Do I need a smoker and jacket? I have a bonnet someone gave me but not the other things. Will be the first time for me to check them. I have had them for 3 weeks.
Is there a better time of day to check my bees? I need to check the last 2 frames so I can add the next super. I'm going to do it tomorrow. Do I need a smoker and jacket? I have a bonnet someone gave me but not the other things. Will be the first time for me to check them. I have had them for 3 weeks.
It's best to do it in the middle of the day when most of the foragers are out of the hive. If you have no smoker, you might try spraying with sugar water and wear long sleeves. However, this time of year, they can be testy. So if you could get your hands on a smoker and a jacket that might make things go better.
It's best to do it in the middle of the day when most of the foragers are out of the hive. If you have no smoker, you might try spraying with sugar water and wear long sleeves. However, this time of year, they can be testy. So if you could get your hands on a smoker and a jacket that might make things go better.

Thanks Deb B. We have a local bee supplier. I'm not sure if he sells the protective wear, but he prob sell smokers. I will go there tomorrow and see. I will wear something heavy and long sleeved. I take it you mean spray bees with sugar water and not me!!
Is there a better time of day to check my bees? I need to check the last 2 frames so I can add the next super. I'm going to do it tomorrow. Do I need a smoker and jacket? I have a bonnet someone gave me but not the other things. Will be the first time for me to check them. I have had them for 3 weeks.

Depending on the temperament of the bees, you may not have to smoke them. I don't smoke mine. The beekeeper I got them from uses sugar water to spray his bees as well. Wear something thick, but also light colored. I usually pick a cooler day, because they get really cranky in the heat.
New to bees, here! We've had them for a week as of tomorrow
DH and I have wanted bees for a while and we had an opportunity to get them and some supplies from a local guy who is getting out of it. So far, they seem to be adapting well to their new home. They have been rather calm thus far, even with DH cutting grass! He didn't push it too far with getting too terribly close to them, but he said regardless they paid him no mind. I plan on living in this thread until I can get through the comments and information, haha! We have a honeybee farm down the way a bit, so we plan to spend some time there sucking up as much information as we can - but what is your best piece of advise? For those of you that have been beekeeping for years, and even those who have been researching for years, what would be your best piece of knowledge?

Have I mentioned we are excited? I seriously think my DH has been living and breathing bee knowledge since the opportunity arose! We looked leisurely before, but now, it's different - duh

This is our hive! And the guy is going to sell us another hive of the same structure for when we are ready to expand. He said we may as well go ahead and plan for it, it's going to happen


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