A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

We have been keeping two hives in our residential backyard for two years now. But yesterday we had a shocking first that we just have to share with people who would understand the gravity of it... PURPLE HONEY!!! Has anyone else here ever had purple honey?? You can see pictures from our harvest here http://peregrinfarms.wordpress.com/2014/08/21/purple-honey/

That is sosososo cool! My family wouldn't believe it until I showed them!
I don't officially have bees yet, so I have just been trolling on this site. I did have a hive in the wall of my house, but about a month ago they were going nuts and even got in the house, then just disappeared. I think they swarmed. I hope they come back! My landlord isn't wild about having a hive in the wall, but he hasn't done anything about it, either. I will say, with all those bees, my garden this year was the best ever. I got 35 pounds of cucumbers off of just one plant!

I was reading this site and skipped over via a link to a beekeeping site on Facebook for natural beekeeping in the UK. I spotted this cartoon and had to post it here:

Just say no to crack!
Beautiful photographs.

Life here has been very hectic. No time to even stop for a rest, let alone take pictures - I'm just trying (and failing) to keep up. I'm picking up the extractor from a friend tonight and then I have to find some time to extract my honey.
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Saw a few days ago evidence of robbing. sigh. Well, first year, small hive, it's been very dry.

So. Reduced the front entrance considerably with fiberglass window screen. Checked on everybody, and while there is not much capped honeycomb, there is a bit of brood, some capped, some nectar, and a little new comb.

Gonna be watching more closely and expect I will need to add some food to get them through the winter.

Saw the queen today!!! She was looking great, moving around quite a bit.

(Top Bar Hive, btw)
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My understanding is that we're going to have another bitter long winter similar to the last one. I plan on making some fondant for winter feeding, as I don't think they have made enough honey this summer to tide them over another unusually long winter.

Kelly, how did the extracting go? Or not yet done? Maybe you could use the new washing machine t o extract :D
Kelly, how did the extracting go? Or not yet done? Maybe you could use the new washing machine t o extract
I haven't done it yet. I picked up the extractor, and am planning to get everything ready to extract on Saturday. I'll have the whole day to get it done, and it's supposed to be a nice, hot day. I got my new washing machine, and it's so nice!

On the scary side, my dog ran off a bear last night. Thankfully, it was just in the trash and not the hive or the coops. I think with our extreme drought, they are not getting enough food. I'm looking into electric fencing for the hive though, what do you all use to fence off your hives?
I haven't done it yet. I picked up the extractor, and am planning to get everything ready to extract on Saturday. I'll have the whole day to get it done, and it's supposed to be a nice, hot day. I got my new washing machine, and it's so nice!

On the scary side, my dog ran off a bear last night. Thankfully, it was just in the trash and not the hive or the coops. I think with our extreme drought, they are not getting enough food. I'm looking into electric fencing for the hive though, what do you all use to fence off your hives?

We just have a 4-foot wooden picket fence around the hive, but we do not really have bears by us. A friend of mine that has three hives has electric fencing around his.

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