A bruise? What about bumblefoot?

Is it just me, or does this chicken look like it could stand to be treated for scaly leg mites? Vaseline (petroleum jelly) or cocoa butter smeared on her legs will suffocate the mites and kill them. Treat all the chickens that live together, they're contagious. Treat for several days. Easiest to treat at night while roosting. Get a headlamp, they're cheap. If you get one with a red light option you'll hardly disturb the chickens at all.
Hmm, in my opinion it doesn't look like SLM to me.
Oh no, do those mites also go all over the body or just in the scales?
They only affect the chickens legs.
Is it only located where I can see it in the pictures? Can you see it on the bottom of her foot?
The bump is only on the upside of her foot, but I couldn’t get a clear view of the bottom to check for any other injuries, however I’m positive the bump is on the top. I can try again tomorrow for a better view and possibly a picture.
The bump is only on the upside of her foot, but I couldn’t get a clear view of the bottom to check for any other injuries, however I’m positive the bump is on the top. I can try again tomorrow for a better view and possibly a picture.
I would just monitor her for now and make sure it doesn't get bigger, and that it doesn't bother her.
I'M no pro, okay, so take this with a block of salt. But to me green always looks like a bruise. So I'm thinking maybe another chicken pecked her on the foot. Bumblefoot is generally a black circular scab on the fleshy, middle part of the sole of the foot. But like I said, this is just my guess. I think I'd like to get @NatJ's opinion on it. Or @Eggcessive.
I'M no pro, okay, so take this with a block of salt. But to me green always looks like a bruise. So I'm thinking maybe another chicken pecked her on the foot. Bumblefoot is generally a black circular scab on the fleshy, middle part of the sole of the foot. But like I said, this is just my guess. I think I'd like to get @NatJ's opinion on it. Or @Eggcessive.
Sorry, I don't have the right knowledge to answer this kind of question.

In addition to Eggcessive, @azygous seems to be good with injury/disease questions.
I think @BigBlueHen53 is onto something.

First, her legs and feet are dirty, like chicken feet seem required to be, but I see no sign of scaly leg mites. And yes, it is correct that a chicken bruise is a faint green color.

So, how would a chicken get a bruise on top of the foot between the toes? It seems quite logical to assume another of the flock hauled off and gave her a peck there. It probably hurt like the dickens when it happened and likely still hurts.

You can baby her with an Epsom salt soak and chewable aspirin for the pain (one whole tablet twice a day) or do nothing. It will heal in about a week. Keep an eye on it for it turning black which would tell us she's developed a staph infection. Oh, and the others were correct in pointing out you may be risking bumblefoot bruising and infection with only a thin layer of bedding. Most bumblefoot begins with bruising when hopping off the perch onto a hard surface. Maybe you should check all the feet,

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