A BYC CHANGE OVER REALITY. All need to read.

I am overwhelmed with the new changes....I don't like change either, but I will adjust to them.....~Charm1704
Ah, I didn't know that there wasn't a choice whether to change platforms or not...now I feel
for being negative...wait, is it true we can't CHANGE OUR POSTS??

Why was the last system overloaded? Too many users? Too much eye candy? Just curious.

I hope you get all the glitches worked out with this new platform! :)
ok I will type this all again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M NOT COMPLAINING about the site
I'm having some real problems here
Just like right now ..there is only "reply "above me ------------------------ no smilies(and you all know how much I love my smilies),no spell check (heads up),no points or numbers(I would be using them now)
when I hover over tabs ---- no drop downs
My name isn't right
I can't find my page to save my life (I starting to think someone forgot to pack it up for me :-( )
I even changed browers today to IE9 ---- still "please wait" to submit and "please wait" smilies (when I seen them)
I changed it back
I've had to re-type replys today... gone just gone
It has froze up my computer 3 or 4 times today
I don't even know if I like or dislike the new site,because half my stuff seems to not work.....
I am upset,I am not upset at Rob or staff
but I have spent HOURS and Hours here today.......
and I feel like I can be upset at the "bugs"
I LOVE byc,but I am having problems !!!!!!!!!!!!
I know someone will tell me everything will be ok,but if I don't tell you what is wrong how can it be fixed >>>
I was really lost here in the test phase and had to just leave a few times in frustration. If it's getting to you I suggest you just log out and go spend some quality time with the chooks. Or walk the dog, go shopping or whatever works for you. Each time you come back something new will click, or several things, and in no time you can find your way around. Set your goal to learn one feature a day and it becomes a treasure hunt, and there is lots to find in this platform! Some of it you will so soon wonder how you did without and others you might never personally use but could be of value to others.

I'm not an explorer by nature so like many it was a bit more difficult for me, yet I'm here and getting around just fine now. Don't let this get you worked up, just make a game of it and play when you have time, before you know it the place will seem old hand to you. Change is hard but it's unavoidable, and most times for the best.
Good Job Nifty and friends!!

That change went much smoother than other forums I've been on, when they've changed platforms. I'm still investigating things, and have found some gems!

Thanks for all your research and hard work in choosing and implementing something that will preserve my favorite past-time!! I don't know what I'd do if BYC imploded!
My name isn't right

I fixed it earlier and it was right for a couple of minutes and then it reverted back. Then when I tried to fix it again the system said that it could only be letters and numerals (no special characters...ie: ?) So I tried without the ?...still no go. So it's obviously beyond my level of understanding to fix...and most likely a glitch.

Have you tried clearing your cache and temporary internet files?
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This thread is a breath of fresh air I know I really needed after this long day. Thank you, Kurtis! And thanks to all the others who are finally understanding a little more and are willing to give it a chance.

what's kickin? chicken, your BYC page is in the Learning Center, where there is a link to all member pages.

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