A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I am also a lilac person. I wish I had them surrounding our yard and growing everywhere...
however, my birds like them so much I am afraid they will never spread as they lie under the lilacs and take dust baths.
The deer kept my lilacs trimmed so they are tall rather than bushy. Now I have hundreds of lilacs coming up from seed under my juniper trees.
We have a "shrub" that is called a Junniper, I am not sure if it is.

It could well be some kind of dwarf cedar. I have seen the unsightly gob of goop that is called cedar rust in them.

is there anything that inhibits cedar rust on apples.
Rjohns....just went & checked out your entry. Nice! Now I'm hungry!!
Can't grow lilacs in Memphis. But found several older variety bushes I planted in Missouri. I think the older varieties have better scent than some of the new cultivars. I dont care for the appearence of the bush. So I tucked them along the periphery of my property. Nothing better than cut blooms in the house...but a close second are the lilies of the valley.
You are always MOST WELCOME to come cook dinner for us! That looked amazing. Esp that salad! Ok the chicken.... is it your veggie bowl that sits on the table or what? He is adorable.
The rooster is generally used for eggs, but since it was required in the contest, figured veggies and herbs would do nicely.

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